Technologies and Technology Equipment
S.Rosenberger, U.Quittmann
Laser-sensitive powder pigments and plastic granules Merck’s laser additives of the Iriotec® 8000 Series for the marking of plastics enable a marking, coding or batch number to remain unchanged where it is. The additives were developed primarily for marking with pulsed lasers that operate at a wavelength of around 1064 nm, namely, fiber lasers, YAG or YVO4 lasers.
Laser-sensitive powder pigments and plastic granules Merck’s laser additives of the Iriotec® 8000 Series for the marking of plastics enable a marking, coding or batch number to remain unchanged where it is. The additives were developed primarily for marking with pulsed lasers that operate at a wavelength of around 1064 nm, namely, fiber lasers, YAG or YVO4 lasers.
Tags: laser marking laser-sensitive powder pigments plastics polymers лазерная маркировка лазерно-активные порошковые пигменты пластики полимеры
Additive Technologies
Expensive toys or wonderwork of the mechanical engineering Update foundries In the first part of the article an overview of the modern level of development of metal 3D priters was given. Additive manufacturing applications in the foundry industry are revealed in the second part. Plenty of problems can be solved by 3D printing in this sphere. One of the main resons for that is the absence of certification problems.
Expensive toys or wonderwork of the mechanical engineering Update foundries In the first part of the article an overview of the modern level of development of metal 3D priters was given. Additive manufacturing applications in the foundry industry are revealed in the second part. Plenty of problems can be solved by 3D printing in this sphere. One of the main resons for that is the absence of certification problems.
Tags: 3d printers 3d-принтеры additive technologies foundries sand-forms with complex geometries laser growth laser sintering update foundries аддитивные технологии лазерное выращивание лазерное спекание литейные песчаные формы со сложной геометрией обновление литейного производства
K.Bazaleeva, O.Hovova, E.Tsvetkova, P.Lukyanov
Study Of Structural Stability Of Austenitic Steel Obtained By Selective Laser Melting By the level of the electrical resistivity it was found that the lattice defectiveness of the steel obtained by SLM is 15% higher than that of the same composition of steel after standard water quenching. The structural stability of austenitic steel 316L obtained by SLM was detected by the temperature dependence of the relative electrical resistivity. The difference in the temperature dependences with temperature increasing for steels after the SLM and water quenching indicates the occurrence of recrystallization processes in the steel obtained by SLM method, which as a whole completed by heating to 1100K.
Study Of Structural Stability Of Austenitic Steel Obtained By Selective Laser Melting By the level of the electrical resistivity it was found that the lattice defectiveness of the steel obtained by SLM is 15% higher than that of the same composition of steel after standard water quenching. The structural stability of austenitic steel 316L obtained by SLM was detected by the temperature dependence of the relative electrical resistivity. The difference in the temperature dependences with temperature increasing for steels after the SLM and water quenching indicates the occurrence of recrystallization processes in the steel obtained by SLM method, which as a whole completed by heating to 1100K.
Tags: austenitic steel defectiveness laser melting structural stability аустенитная сталь дефектность селективное лазерное плавление структурная стабильность
Lasers & Laser Systems
S.Khilov, V.Khilov
Laser Projection Systems for Entertainment An “Entertainment” wording means both technologies and devices ( technical facilities) drawing the multiple public’s attention by being quite picturesque. It is complicated to make a strict borderline between technology, illusion and art. The article apart brief description concerning the types of the current audio and visual technologies ( mapping, light installation, laser tags), deals with a brief survey of professional level software to work with a laser graphics.
Laser Projection Systems for Entertainment An “Entertainment” wording means both technologies and devices ( technical facilities) drawing the multiple public’s attention by being quite picturesque. It is complicated to make a strict borderline between technology, illusion and art. The article apart brief description concerning the types of the current audio and visual technologies ( mapping, light installation, laser tags), deals with a brief survey of professional level software to work with a laser graphics.
Tags: entertainment key words: laser show light installations target-marking laser интертеймент лазерное шоe лазерный целеуказатель световые инсталляции
Optical Devices & Systems
A.Medvedev, A.Grinkevich, S.Knyazeva
The Miniaturization of Warheads Sighting Systems Facilities of Armoured military vehicles The article deals with the ideologic approaches to the designs of sighting system head parts for the armoured vehicles, which enable, to a certain extent, an efficient functioning of armoured vehicles in combat environments and their safety, as well as ensure protection of the optical parts that are mounted on the outside of the armor.
The Miniaturization of Warheads Sighting Systems Facilities of Armoured military vehicles The article deals with the ideologic approaches to the designs of sighting system head parts for the armoured vehicles, which enable, to a certain extent, an efficient functioning of armoured vehicles in combat environments and their safety, as well as ensure protection of the optical parts that are mounted on the outside of the armor.
N.Kulchitskiy, A.Naumov, V.Semenov
Modern Optoelectronic Devices Based On Zinc Selenide The modern state of the world market of zinc selenide and trends of their development are discussed. The special features of growth of zinc selenide crystals, the characteristics of the produced materials, the devices on their basis, as well as major producers are reviewed.
Modern Optoelectronic Devices Based On Zinc Selenide The modern state of the world market of zinc selenide and trends of their development are discussed. The special features of growth of zinc selenide crystals, the characteristics of the produced materials, the devices on their basis, as well as major producers are reviewed.
Tags: cvd method cvd метод optoelectronic devices zinc selenide оптоэлектронные приборы селенид цинка
Fiber-Optic Technoligies
A Wide-Band Tunable Laser For Highly Accurate Continuous Sweeps The Challenge Of Designing A Nearly Ideal Stimulus For Optical Filter Measurements Tunable laser sources that are used to characterize photonic components for fiber optic networks have little in common with the tunable transmitters that make today’s fiber optic networks reconfigurable. This tech brief discusses the particular challenges of developing a swept source for spectral attenuation measurements of optical filters.
A Wide-Band Tunable Laser For Highly Accurate Continuous Sweeps The Challenge Of Designing A Nearly Ideal Stimulus For Optical Filter Measurements Tunable laser sources that are used to characterize photonic components for fiber optic networks have little in common with the tunable transmitters that make today’s fiber optic networks reconfigurable. This tech brief discusses the particular challenges of developing a swept source for spectral attenuation measurements of optical filters.
Tags: dwdm-systems dwdm – системы fiber optic communication laser photonic components волоконно-оптические линии связи перестраиваемый лазер фотонные компоненты
V.Duraev, S.Medvedev
Single-Frequency Semiconductor Lasers Based on Two-Pass Amplifiers Results of the works on creation of single-frequency semiconductor lasers tunable by the wavelength with external cavity on the basis of fiber Bragg grating formed in single-mode fiber light guide are given. The methods of discrete and continuous tuning of radiation wavelength and methods of oscillation of dynamically stable laser radiation with the narrow line width (less than 10 kHz) within the range of 635–1650 nm are considered.
Single-Frequency Semiconductor Lasers Based on Two-Pass Amplifiers Results of the works on creation of single-frequency semiconductor lasers tunable by the wavelength with external cavity on the basis of fiber Bragg grating formed in single-mode fiber light guide are given. The methods of discrete and continuous tuning of radiation wavelength and methods of oscillation of dynamically stable laser radiation with the narrow line width (less than 10 kHz) within the range of 635–1650 nm are considered.
Tags: dwdm-systems dwdm-системы fiber optic communication laser photonic components волоконно-оптические линии связи перестраиваемый лазер фотонные компоненты
S.Samokhvalov, O.Gorbachev, A. Klimenko
Use of Fiber-Optic Technology for Lighting Devices The simplest optical fiber the lighting device can convert energy sunlight energy into another form without additional costs and pass in a dark room on the fiber optic cable. This article describes design, calculations and test results and computer models of some nodes device.
Use of Fiber-Optic Technology for Lighting Devices The simplest optical fiber the lighting device can convert energy sunlight energy into another form without additional costs and pass in a dark room on the fiber optic cable. This article describes design, calculations and test results and computer models of some nodes device.
Tags: hybrid fiber optic devices lighting engineering гибридные оптоволоконные устройства светотехника
Optoelectronic Devices
How to Evaluate and Compare Silicon Photomultiplier Sensors A solution of multiple objectives dealing with a registration of individual photons (single-photons) depends both on how sensible and efficient a detector is. By many parametres, silicon photomultipliers exceed photoelectronic multipliers. The article gives an idea on what sort of things one should focus in particular while choosing SiPM detectors.
How to Evaluate and Compare Silicon Photomultiplier Sensors A solution of multiple objectives dealing with a registration of individual photons (single-photons) depends both on how sensible and efficient a detector is. By many parametres, silicon photomultipliers exceed photoelectronic multipliers. The article gives an idea on what sort of things one should focus in particular while choosing SiPM detectors.
Tags: quantum photonics elements silicon photomultiplier single-photon sensitive light sensor кремниевые фотоумножители регистрация единичных фотонов элементы квантовой фотоники
Optoelectronic devices
F.Agaev, N.Dzhavadov, R.Kerimov
Search For Opportunities To Improve The Signal-To-Noise Ratio For Complexification Of Signals Of Narrow Spectral And Panchromatic Channels To enhance the clarity of images obtained by remote probing the complexification of spectral and panchromatic images is used. The integrated image of the area is the total signal, which significantly increases the information content. But the different physical principles of imaging are used. The article considers the possibility of improving the signal-to-noise ratio of integrated signals.
Search For Opportunities To Improve The Signal-To-Noise Ratio For Complexification Of Signals Of Narrow Spectral And Panchromatic Channels To enhance the clarity of images obtained by remote probing the complexification of spectral and panchromatic images is used. The integrated image of the area is the total signal, which significantly increases the information content. But the different physical principles of imaging are used. The article considers the possibility of improving the signal-to-noise ratio of integrated signals.