Business People
M.N.Stepanova, L.V.Karyakina
Leaders Integration Air LIquide is the world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health. Recently it was joined by Airgas – supplier of not only various gases, but also welding equipment and protective gear. Лазерные индустриальные технологии нуждаются в подобной продукции.
Leaders Integration Air LIquide is the world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health. Recently it was joined by Airgas – supplier of not only various gases, but also welding equipment and protective gear. Лазерные индустриальные технологии нуждаются в подобной продукции.
Tags: air liquide and airgas in russia air liquide и airgas в россии exhibitions laser industrial technology conferences лазерные индустриальные технологии
Technologies and Technology Equipment
V.Ya.Panchenko, V.V.Vasiltsov, I.N.Ilichev, A.V.Bogdanov, A.G.Grigoryants, K.I.Makarenko, M.V.Taksants
Laser Technologies of Gas Powder Surfacing and Heat Treatment of Drilling Equipment for Arctica Project Tasks. Part II Currently, the Russian Federation is actively developing new mineral deposits in the Arctic zone. The climate features impose high demands on the reliability of drilling equipment. The article presents information concerning laser methods used for restore, repair and enhance the performance of drilling equipment.
Laser Technologies of Gas Powder Surfacing and Heat Treatment of Drilling Equipment for Arctica Project Tasks. Part II Currently, the Russian Federation is actively developing new mineral deposits in the Arctic zone. The climate features impose high demands on the reliability of drilling equipment. The article presents information concerning laser methods used for restore, repair and enhance the performance of drilling equipment.
Tags: drilling equipment extraction of minerals in the arctic region gas-powder laser surfacing буровое оборудование газопорошковая лазерная наплавка добыча полезных ископаемых в арктической зоне
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
P.N.Kirillov, L.V.Karyakina
Robots, Three-Dimensional Printing and Pure Gases. News of Weldex-2017. At the Weldex 2017 exhibition in Sokolniki Exhibition Center took part at least 187 companies from 13 countries. At the booths of the participants, it was possible to see a variety of equipment, ranging from simple semi-automatic devices to robotic complexes with laser sources and optical heads, contact welding pliers or gas burners.
Robots, Three-Dimensional Printing and Pure Gases. News of Weldex-2017. At the Weldex 2017 exhibition in Sokolniki Exhibition Center took part at least 187 companies from 13 countries. At the booths of the participants, it was possible to see a variety of equipment, ranging from simple semi-automatic devices to robotic complexes with laser sources and optical heads, contact welding pliers or gas burners.
Tags: equipment and technologies weldex-017 weldex-2017 welding materials оборудование и технологии сварочные материалы
Photonics Industry The first All-Russian conference on fiber optics in Perm was organized in 2007. For ten years, the interest of business and science in this field has grown so much that it has become a traditional long-awaited scientific forum. In 2017 the conference on fiber optics VKVO-2017 was held in Perm in October.
Photonics Industry The first All-Russian conference on fiber optics in Perm was organized in 2007. For ten years, the interest of business and science in this field has grown so much that it has become a traditional long-awaited scientific forum. In 2017 the conference on fiber optics VKVO-2017 was held in Perm in October.
Lasers & Laser Systems
V.V.Osipov, V.V.Platonov, V.A.Shitov, R.N.Maksimov
High-Transparent Ceramics Prepared Based on Nanopowders Synthesized in a Laser Torch. Part I: Preparation Features The main stages of preparation of ceramic active elements for solid-state lasers are considered in the article. The physical principles of laser synthesis of nanopowders are described. The features and processes that take place during their compacting and sintering are presented.
High-Transparent Ceramics Prepared Based on Nanopowders Synthesized in a Laser Torch. Part I: Preparation Features The main stages of preparation of ceramic active elements for solid-state lasers are considered in the article. The physical principles of laser synthesis of nanopowders are described. The features and processes that take place during their compacting and sintering are presented.
Optical Devices & Systems
Photon Computer: Structure and Algorithms, Parameter Estimates The article proposes the structure and principles of implementing a photon computer. At the heart of its functioning are the effects of interaction of coherent systems of light waves generated with a laser source. Estimates of productivity values, energy consumption, physical dimensions are obtained; these estimates show the possible advantages of a photonic computer in comparison with an electronic computer.
Photon Computer: Structure and Algorithms, Parameter Estimates The article proposes the structure and principles of implementing a photon computer. At the heart of its functioning are the effects of interaction of coherent systems of light waves generated with a laser source. Estimates of productivity values, energy consumption, physical dimensions are obtained; these estimates show the possible advantages of a photonic computer in comparison with an electronic computer.
Tags: computer technology optical logic elements photon computer photon processor вычислительная техника оптические логические элементы фотонный компьютер фотонный процессор
Optoelectronic Devices and Systems
V.N.Gavrilov, Yu.M.Gryaznov, A.V.Malakhov, P.D.Moiseev, D.A.Sinev, A.A.Chastov
Automated System for Parameters Control of Optoelectronic Components The article presents a new automated monitoring system for the parameters of optoelectronic components. The automated system consists of both newly and serially developed instruments. Technical characteristics of devices and structural diagrams of parameters measurements for optoelectronic components are presented.
Automated System for Parameters Control of Optoelectronic Components The article presents a new automated monitoring system for the parameters of optoelectronic components. The automated system consists of both newly and serially developed instruments. Technical characteristics of devices and structural diagrams of parameters measurements for optoelectronic components are presented.
Tags: control of optoelectronic components fiber optic data transmission systems волоконно-оптические системы передачи данных контроль оптоэлектронных компонентов
Optical elements
P.Prabhat, N.Andersen, T.Erdogan
Spectral Imaging with VersaChrome the First Widely Tunable Thin Film Optical Filters This article describes an innovative approach to spectral visualization using tunable thin-film filters manufactured by Semrock.
Spectral Imaging with VersaChrome the First Widely Tunable Thin Film Optical Filters This article describes an innovative approach to spectral visualization using tunable thin-film filters manufactured by Semrock.