The PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal is published under the scientific and methodological guidance of the Russian scientific community, representing Laser Association (, an international organization uniting developers and users of laser products, optical and optoelectronic technologies in the territory CIS.
The journal publishes original scientific articles and reviews on the current state of the most urgent problems of photonics and related sciences, brief notes, design solutions and product reviews of optical and photonic enterprises and companies, as well as scientific reports recommended by the program committees of the journal’s partner conferences. The accepted materials must correspond to the profile of the journal and reflect the results of original scientific research of technical solutions of the authors, as well as the technology of transferring the results of fundamental research into technology. All articles must be accompanied by relevant documents for publication, drawn up in the prescribed manner. Manuscripts of articles are accepted in Russian and/or English.
An original article refers to material that contains the results of scientific or applied technological research, a description of an experiment, or the use of a new research method. The main condition for accepting the manuscript for consideration and publication is that the material submitted has not been previously published or submitted for review and publication in another scientific journal.
• The article must be accompanied by an expert opinion of the organization in which the work was carried out regarding the possibility of publishing the material in the open press.
• The size of the article is up to 15,000 - 21,000 characters. Scientific reviews can take up to 30,000 characters.
• Manuscript material is forwarded to the peers for review.
The scientific reports may be of an overview nature or contain research results. The requirements for the volume of the report are the same as those presented above.
• Scientific reports are not subject to peer review, as they are published on the recommendation of the Conference Program Committee.
Brief notes, product reviews, design solutions.
• The size is 2,000-3,000 characters.
• The decision to publish is made by the members of the editorial board.
By submitting the manuscript to the journal for review and publication, the author guarantees that:
- the material has not been previously published;
- the material has not been submitted for consideration and publication in another journal;
- all co-authors agree with the publication in the journal;
- there is no conflict of interest between the authors;
- there is no incorrect matching content in the material;
- the consent of the organization in which the research was conducted is obtained, the results of which are presented in the manuscript;
- all citations are framed correctly, sources of matching content for tables and figures are indicated, if they were not created by the author);
– the authors transfer to the editorial office the right to translate, publish, post the article in electronic databases and library systems, deposit it, send it out to readers subscribed to the journal, and provide it to interested persons.
The manuscripts are submitted in electronic form. The text should be arranged in the following order: article title, authors, organization, abstract, keywords, article text, references, tables, figure captions. Signatures of all authors (in scanned form) should be put at the end of the text.
The figures are represented as separate files, if their number is more than three, then they should be presented in the form of an archive in zip or rar format. A text file is presented separately with a translation into English of the title of the article and its abstract and keywords, surnames of the authors, indicating the names of organizations, contacts of all authors. The size of both Russian and English abstracts should not exceed 1,000 characters.
Dear authors of the manuscripts submitted to the PHOTONICS journal, You, of course, are well aware that the DOI and ORCID indicators are indispensable attributes of scientific publications and researchers. The editors of the PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal must also specify these indicators in the metadata of published articles. The PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal was established in 2007 by RIC TECHNOSPHERE Publishing House. The PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal assigns a DOI number to all of its publications. This right is granted to the Publishing House by the CrossRef association, as its partner. But another indicator, ORCID ID, must be informed to the editorial office.
A list of references is given in English.
When compiling a list of references, please, do not forget to give an exact link to the DOI of the source, otherwise the links to the source will not be taken into account as quoting.
We encourage the use of Vancouver Style.
Bibliographic Description Examples (Vancouver Style)
Articles in scientific journals
1.Гришачев В.В. Перехват трафика в оптических сетях: информативные паразитные электромагнитные излучения. Фотоника. 2019; 13(3):280−294. DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.
1.Grishachev V. V. Traffic Interception in Optical Network: Informative Parasitic Electromagnetic Radiation. Photonics Russian. 2019; 13(3): 280−294. DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.
2. De Paula R.P., Moore E.L. Review of all-fiber phase and polarization modulators. Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors II: proc. SPIE of 1984. Technical Symposium East. USA. 1984; 478: 3–11. DOI:10.1117/12.942649.
Books and monographs1.Межерис Р. Лазерное дистанционное зондирование / Пер. с англ. И.Г. Городецкого; под ред. А.Б. Карасева. – М.: Мир. 1987. 550 с.
1.Mezheris R. Lazernoe distancionnoe zondirovanie / Per. s angl. I.G. Gorodeckogo; pod red. A.B. Karaseva. – M.: Mir. 1987. 550 p. (In Russ.).
2. Катаяма С. Справочник по лазерной сварке / Пер с англ. под ред. Н.Л.Истоминой. – М.: Техносфера. 2015. 704 с. ISBN 978-5-94836-420-9.
2. Katayama S. Spravochnik po lazernoj svarke / Per s angl. pod red. N.L.Istominoj. – M.: Technosphera. 2015. 704 p. (In Russ.). ISBN 978-5-94836-420-9.
Information about authors
Full surname, name and second names of the authors; official name of institution without abbreviations, address of institution (it is required to indicate all the author’s work places where the research was performed (place of project implementation); detailed information about the authors: scientific degree, title, position, ORCID, Researcher ID, Scopus ID, Author ID in the Russian Index of Science Citation; e-mail.
Contribution of authors
At the end of the manuscript, authors should include notes, which explain the actual contribution of each co-author to the work. The procedure for specifying the authors and co-authors of the article is consistent with them independently.
Information about conflicts of interest
The text of the manuscript should indicate exist or not of a real or potential conflict of interest.
Supporting documents
A cover letter from the authors to the Editorial Board of Journal Photonics Russia should contain:
Authors request to publish the manuscript in the article form;
Article title; Names of all authors and their signatures;
Name and coordinates of the corresponding author;
Abstract and keywords;
The Statement the existence or, conversely, the absence of a conflict of interest.
Results obtained during the performance of the staff assignment should have an expert opinion be attached. An organization in which the study was performed sent its expert opinion. The expert opinion includes information about the possibility of publishing the materials of the article in the open press.
Additional technical requirements for the manuscript are below.
Manuscript Format Guidelines
1) The manuscript should be typed in the Microsoft Word text processing program for Windows (.doc, .docx, .rtf.): sheet size – A4, Headset Times 11 pt or Arial 10 pt; line spacing — 1.5, margins of at least 3 cm.
• Make indent using Format → Paragraph
(instead of putting a few spaces at the beginning of the line).
• Do not make extra spaces between words in the text, as well as extra “beats” between parts of one chapter (before subheadings).
• Do not insert page breaks or rulers between parts of text.
2) Greek letters, mathematical symbols (for example, Σ, φ, π, ρ, ≠, ±, →, ⇒), formulas where there are no fractions, type using the symbol table:
Menu: Insert → Symbol → Select the desired symbol → Insert → Close
Please do not use the formula editor (Microsoft Equation or Math Type) in these cases.
3) Formulas with fractions, sums, square rootare typed by the Symbol font in Microsoft Equation 3.0 (Formula Editor in Microsoft Word) or Math Type 6. Latin symbols in formulas and notation (both in the text and in the figures) typed in italics. Formulas are numbered in parentheses. Only those formulas and equations referenced in the following presentation should be numbered. 3) All titles, signatures and structural elements of graphs, tables, charts, etc., are to be provided in Russian and English.
4) Figures can be presented in raster or vector format with a resolution of at least 600 dpi. They should allow text editing and resizability. All graphic data are placed in the text of the article, as well as sent additionally as separate files.
The editors check the original author of the article for compliance with the rules. If inconsistencies are identified, the author is invited to prepare the article in accordance with the current rules. The editors reserve the right to reject publications and do not enter into discussion with the authors of rejected articles.
The final decision on the publication of the article is made by the editor-in-chief of the journal together with the editorial board of the journal.