Business People
Micro‑3D printing tiny connectors: Micro-scale additive manufacturing offers an alternative to microfusion and micromilling
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.372.376
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
Industrial policy focuses on regions
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.362.366
Industrial Innovation
A. I. Terekhov
Biblio- and Patentometric Analysis of the Development of Nanophotonics: 2000–2020 DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.378.394
The article analyzes the development of research, the structure and dynamics of patenting scientific results in the field of nanophotonics in the period 2000–2020. The focus is on the global publication output and the contribution of individual countries and their groups to it, the thematic structure of research, indicators of international scientific cooperation. The internal Russian research landscape is considered, an increase in the role of the geographic “periphery” and universities in its formation is noted. Using the basic directions of nanophotonics as an example, a shift of interest from photonic crystals to metamaterials (both in research and in patenting) is shown. The sources of information are the Science Citation Index Expanded bibliographic database (SCIE) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database.
Biblio- and Patentometric Analysis of the Development of Nanophotonics: 2000–2020 DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.378.394
The article analyzes the development of research, the structure and dynamics of patenting scientific results in the field of nanophotonics in the period 2000–2020. The focus is on the global publication output and the contribution of individual countries and their groups to it, the thematic structure of research, indicators of international scientific cooperation. The internal Russian research landscape is considered, an increase in the role of the geographic “periphery” and universities in its formation is noted. Using the basic directions of nanophotonics as an example, a shift of interest from photonic crystals to metamaterials (both in research and in patenting) is shown. The sources of information are the Science Citation Index Expanded bibliographic database (SCIE) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database.
Tags: data analysis nanophotonics patent scientific publication анализ данных нанофотоника научная публикация патент
Lasers & Laser Systems
V. P. Duraev, S. A. Voronchenko, I. S. Molodtsov
Tunable Single-Frequency Semiconductor Laser Module Based on Two-Pass 1550 nm Wavelength Amplifier DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.410.418
The results of work on the creation of tunable single-frequency semiconductor laser modules for a wavelength of 1550 nm with an external cavity based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) formed in a single-mode fiber are presented. The methods for discrete and smooth tuning of the radiation wavelength are considered. The presented laser modules are capable of generating dynamically stable single-frequency radiation with a side mode suppression of more than 40 dB, a lasing line width of 100–500 kHz, and an output optical power of more than 35 mW. The wavelength tuning of the radiation spectrum of the laser module was 1.5 nm.
Tunable Single-Frequency Semiconductor Laser Module Based on Two-Pass 1550 nm Wavelength Amplifier DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.410.418
The results of work on the creation of tunable single-frequency semiconductor laser modules for a wavelength of 1550 nm with an external cavity based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) formed in a single-mode fiber are presented. The methods for discrete and smooth tuning of the radiation wavelength are considered. The presented laser modules are capable of generating dynamically stable single-frequency radiation with a side mode suppression of more than 40 dB, a lasing line width of 100–500 kHz, and an output optical power of more than 35 mW. The wavelength tuning of the radiation spectrum of the laser module was 1.5 nm.
Tags: fiber bragg gratings single-frequency tunable laser tuning of the radiation wavelength волоконные брэгговские решетки одночастотный перестраиваемый лазер перестройка длины волны излучения
Microwave Photonics
P. O. Yakushenkov, E. A. Cheshev, I. M. Tupitsin
Investigation of Mode Locking of the Diode-Pumped Laser for the Generator of a Carrier Train in Photonic Circuits DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.420.426
Lasers are used in radio photonics as a generator, like an electronic one in radio electronics. Mode-locked lasers are used to generate a carrier train in photonic circuits. The report is devoted to the study of the diode pumping for the mode-locked laser and its comparison with the results fiber pumping.
Investigation of Mode Locking of the Diode-Pumped Laser for the Generator of a Carrier Train in Photonic Circuits DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.420.426
Lasers are used in radio photonics as a generator, like an electronic one in radio electronics. Mode-locked lasers are used to generate a carrier train in photonic circuits. The report is devoted to the study of the diode pumping for the mode-locked laser and its comparison with the results fiber pumping.
Tags: diode pumping high frequency pulse train kerr lens mode-locked laser saturable absorber высокочастотная последовательность импульсов диодная накачка керровская линза лазер с синхронизацией мод насыщающийся поглотитель
Optical Measurements
E. V. Kuznetsov, P. Yu. Lobanov, I. S. Manuylovich, M. N. Meshkov, O. E. Sidoryuk, L. A. Skvortsov
Non-Destructive Control of Plastic Products by Means of Active Thermography With Pulse Laser Heating DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.428.442
Non-Destructive Control of Plastic Products by Means of Active Thermography With Pulse Laser Heating DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.428.442
Tags: active thermography laser heating non-destructive testing subsurface structure активная термография лазерный нагрев неразрушающий контроль подповерхностная структура
Optoelectronic Instruments & Devices
R. Z. Khafizov, V. V. Startsev, V. Yu. Moskvichev
Fast Bolometric Focal Plane Arrays DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.396.409
The article presents the results of studying the possibilities of reducing the response time (time constant of thermal relaxation) to the thermal effect of a bolometric sensor. The analysis was carried out within the framework of the generally accepted theory of absorption of IR radiation and thermophysical processes occurring in membrane MEMS structures. The results of modeling the optimal design of high-performance microbolometric elements, taking into account the requirements of specific applications and its implementation using modern technological processes of formation, are presented. The discovered regularities will be applied in the production of microbolometers of the Astron family.
Fast Bolometric Focal Plane Arrays DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.5.396.409
The article presents the results of studying the possibilities of reducing the response time (time constant of thermal relaxation) to the thermal effect of a bolometric sensor. The analysis was carried out within the framework of the generally accepted theory of absorption of IR radiation and thermophysical processes occurring in membrane MEMS structures. The results of modeling the optimal design of high-performance microbolometric elements, taking into account the requirements of specific applications and its implementation using modern technological processes of formation, are presented. The discovered regularities will be applied in the production of microbolometers of the Astron family.