Business People
Technologies and Technology Equipment
G.V.Odintsova, V.P.Veiko, S.G.Gorniy,V.K.Luong, M.K.Moskvin, V.V.Romanov, N.N.Shchedrina, D.S.Lutoshina, D.A.Antipenkova, M.S.Kutepova
Prospects of "Colorit" Technology of Color Laser Labeling "Colorit" technology of color laser labeling of metals, including precious ones, is presented, which allows to apply a color image without the use of pigments and dyes. The labeling technology is based on various optical effects: interference, diffraction of light and surface plasmon resonance. The images are of high resolution and have several degrees of protection, which makes it possible to use the method to protect products from falsification.
Prospects of "Colorit" Technology of Color Laser Labeling "Colorit" technology of color laser labeling of metals, including precious ones, is presented, which allows to apply a color image without the use of pigments and dyes. The labeling technology is based on various optical effects: interference, diffraction of light and surface plasmon resonance. The images are of high resolution and have several degrees of protection, which makes it possible to use the method to protect products from falsification.
Tags: degrees of protection method to protect products from falsification technology of color laser labeling of metals метод защиты продукции от фальсификации степени защиты технология цветной лазерной маркировки металлов
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
Н. Л. Истомина, Л. В. Карякина
Innoprom 2018: Real Ideal or Ideal Reality Review of the brightest exhibition event of the summer of 2018 in the field of industrial technologies – INNOPROM exhibition – is presented. The exhibition exposition was built at the highest professional level and allowed visitors to get an idea of many technological processes, including such a hot topic as additive technologies: from the idea of creating a product to the operations of its production.
Innoprom 2018: Real Ideal or Ideal Reality Review of the brightest exhibition event of the summer of 2018 in the field of industrial technologies – INNOPROM exhibition – is presented. The exhibition exposition was built at the highest professional level and allowed visitors to get an idea of many technological processes, including such a hot topic as additive technologies: from the idea of creating a product to the operations of its production.
Tags: additive machines industrial policy laser technologies for material treatment powders for 3d-printing аддитивные машины лазерные технологии обработки материалов порошки для 3d-печати промышленная политика
N. L. Istomina, L. V. Kariakina
What News is There in The Beam Technologies? Technologies & Technology Equipment The review of the reports of the IX conference "Beam technologies and laser applications" is presented. The conference enjoys prestige among specialists working in the field of technologies for the interaction of laser and plasma beams with materials. It is famous for the fact that the program of each scientific event held within its framework succinctly reflects a huge flow of information on industrial radiation technologies and the problems that accompany it their implementation.
What News is There in The Beam Technologies? Technologies & Technology Equipment The review of the reports of the IX conference "Beam technologies and laser applications" is presented. The conference enjoys prestige among specialists working in the field of technologies for the interaction of laser and plasma beams with materials. It is famous for the fact that the program of each scientific event held within its framework succinctly reflects a huge flow of information on industrial radiation technologies and the problems that accompany it their implementation.
Tags: additive technologies laser technologies for material treatment powders for 3d-printing аддитивные технологии лазерные технологии обработки материалов порошки для 3d-печати
Lasers & Laser Systems
Very Short Pulsed High Diode Currents Generated by a Fast Laser Diod Driver For many laser applications, such as marking, additive manufacturing, material treatment, scientific research, etc. short pulses with high diode currents are required. For these applications diode currents of 100A … >200A with rise times of 20–50ns are often needed. In addition, the pulsesshall have a clear rectangular shape with short rise time, steep rising edges, no overshoot and no ripple. This article shows the physical restrictions and explains technical solutions how laser diode drivers can realize high diode currents with very short pulse lengths.
Very Short Pulsed High Diode Currents Generated by a Fast Laser Diod Driver For many laser applications, such as marking, additive manufacturing, material treatment, scientific research, etc. short pulses with high diode currents are required. For these applications diode currents of 100A … >200A with rise times of 20–50ns are often needed. In addition, the pulsesshall have a clear rectangular shape with short rise time, steep rising edges, no overshoot and no ripple. This article shows the physical restrictions and explains technical solutions how laser diode drivers can realize high diode currents with very short pulse lengths.
Tags: additive manufacturing laser diode drivers material treatment pulses rise time steep rising edges аддитивное производство время нарастания импульса драйвер для диодных лазеров крутой передний фронт импульса обработка материалов
G. I. Dolgikh, V. A. Chupin, Yu-Hung Hsiao
Photon Antenna "Russia-Taiwan" The description is given of the photon antenna "Russia-Taiwan", created on the basis of laser strainmeters of the classical type, established on two polygons of Russia and in Taiwan. Their technical capabilities for recording of various infrasonic disturbances of the Earth are estimated. Some results of processing experimental data are obtained, when carrying out complex tests of laser strainmeters.
Photon Antenna "Russia-Taiwan" The description is given of the photon antenna "Russia-Taiwan", created on the basis of laser strainmeters of the classical type, established on two polygons of Russia and in Taiwan. Their technical capabilities for recording of various infrasonic disturbances of the Earth are estimated. Some results of processing experimental data are obtained, when carrying out complex tests of laser strainmeters.
Tags: atmosphere hydrosphere laser strainmeter lithosphere oscillations photon antenna waves атмосфера волны гидросфера колебания лазерный деформограф литосфера фотонная антенна
Opto-electronic systems and complexes
A.V. Medvedev, A. V. Grinkevich, S. N. Knyazeva
Universal Multispectral Sight & Observation Device as The Means of Improving The FCS of Armament of Armored Force Vehicles (AAFV) Fiber Optic Devices & Technologies This article deals with the improvement of the fire control system of armored vehicles. It details designing of a stabilized multiunit and multichannel optical device of the sighting and observation system utilizing a single common entrance pupil. Some modifications of the basic system, e. g. a panoramic device are also reviewed in this article. Such approach allows the solution of numerous tasks – from minimization of the head parts allowing the optimization of the biplanar sighting line stabilization system up to the simultaneous operation in different spectral ranges, i. e. obtaining a complex panoramic image, which enhances the probability of detection and recognition of targets in adverse observation conditions.
Universal Multispectral Sight & Observation Device as The Means of Improving The FCS of Armament of Armored Force Vehicles (AAFV) Fiber Optic Devices & Technologies This article deals with the improvement of the fire control system of armored vehicles. It details designing of a stabilized multiunit and multichannel optical device of the sighting and observation system utilizing a single common entrance pupil. Some modifications of the basic system, e. g. a panoramic device are also reviewed in this article. Such approach allows the solution of numerous tasks – from minimization of the head parts allowing the optimization of the biplanar sighting line stabilization system up to the simultaneous operation in different spectral ranges, i. e. obtaining a complex panoramic image, which enhances the probability of detection and recognition of targets in adverse observation conditions.
Tags: panoramic device spectrum splitter television channel thermal imaging channel two-plane stabilization двухплоскостная стабилизация панорамный прибор спектроделитель телевизионный канал тепловизионный канал
Fiber Optic Devices & Technoligies
S.K.Morshnev, V.P.Gubin, N.I.Starostin, Ya.V.Prshiyalkovsky, A.I.Sazonov
Beat Length Measurement in Birefringence Optical Fibers Birefringence optical fibers (OF) appeared in 1978–1983 together with the technologies of thermoelastic inserts in the workpieces for drawing optical fibers. This article deals with two basic methods of measurement of embedded BOFs: spectral method and elastic twisting method. Three OFs types, drawn from the workpieces with embedded linear birefringence are taken as objects of study: HiBi or also PM- (polarization maintaining) fibers; fibers, drawn from the same workpieces, but with the rotation of the workpiece – spun-fiber; LoBi-fibers, which by the method are referred to as spun-fibers. The technique of measuring the beat length of the embedded BOFs is described in detail.
The paper analyzes two known methods for measuring the characteristics of an embedded birefringence of special optical fibers. The features of beat length measurement of the embedded birefringence for each method and different types of special fibers are shown. Advantages, disadvantages and limitations for each of the methods are pointed.
Beat Length Measurement in Birefringence Optical Fibers Birefringence optical fibers (OF) appeared in 1978–1983 together with the technologies of thermoelastic inserts in the workpieces for drawing optical fibers. This article deals with two basic methods of measurement of embedded BOFs: spectral method and elastic twisting method. Three OFs types, drawn from the workpieces with embedded linear birefringence are taken as objects of study: HiBi or also PM- (polarization maintaining) fibers; fibers, drawn from the same workpieces, but with the rotation of the workpiece – spun-fiber; LoBi-fibers, which by the method are referred to as spun-fibers. The technique of measuring the beat length of the embedded BOFs is described in detail.
The paper analyzes two known methods for measuring the characteristics of an embedded birefringence of special optical fibers. The features of beat length measurement of the embedded birefringence for each method and different types of special fibers are shown. Advantages, disadvantages and limitations for each of the methods are pointed.