Technologies and Technology Equipment
A. M. Vildanov, K. D. Babkin, E. V. Zemlyakov, M. O. Gushchina
Effects of Beam Oscillation on Quality of Laser Metal Deposited Parts DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.518.523
Nowadays, additive technologies are one of the most fast developing methods of obtaining products. The greatest interest is the technology of high-speed direct laser deposition (HSDLD), when a gas powder stream is fed into the laser radiation zone, as a result, a melt pool is formed, and then a layer – after hardening. Thus, it becomes possible to produce three-dimensional products with complex geometry with high productivity.
The modern aircraft engine industry has lots of elements that are more preferable to be manufactured by the HSDLD technology: large-sized products with wall thickness ≥3 mm, material Ti‑6Al‑4V, in particular. In this work, it was found that with Gaussian beam distribution in thin element non-fusion on the edges is formed. These defects are stress concentrators and significantly reduce the mechanical properties of details. The main requirements for these parts are high performance properties, namely pore minimization, absence of cracks and fusions both between the layers and at the edges of the walls, low surface roughness to reduce subsequent machining.
Analyzing the possible solutions helped to find out the necessity of using a wobbler or beam shaper to achieve the required properties. As a result, wobbler was used for the research, because unlike the beam shaper, it has great functionality and the possibility of changing the wall thickness, by changing the scanning amplitude within the deposition process.
The research was carried out with the help of the laser metal deposition robotic complex, based on the fiber laser «LS‑5». The complex also includes a six-axis robot manipulator, a two-axis positioner and a sealed chamber with a 6 m3 volume. The working tool is the laser welding head D30 Wobble Module of IPG Company with a three-jet nozzle.
As a result of this work, optimal parameters (laser power, velocity of process, spot size, scanning amplitude) were determine to produce a thin wall with a minimum amount of defects (absence of cracks, non–fusion in the center and at the edges of the walls) and a low roughness (Rmax ≈ 40 μ, Ra ≈ 8 μ).
Keywords: additive technologies, high-speed direct laser deposition, beam oscillation, wobbler, roughness
Effects of Beam Oscillation on Quality of Laser Metal Deposited Parts DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.518.523
Nowadays, additive technologies are one of the most fast developing methods of obtaining products. The greatest interest is the technology of high-speed direct laser deposition (HSDLD), when a gas powder stream is fed into the laser radiation zone, as a result, a melt pool is formed, and then a layer – after hardening. Thus, it becomes possible to produce three-dimensional products with complex geometry with high productivity.
The modern aircraft engine industry has lots of elements that are more preferable to be manufactured by the HSDLD technology: large-sized products with wall thickness ≥3 mm, material Ti‑6Al‑4V, in particular. In this work, it was found that with Gaussian beam distribution in thin element non-fusion on the edges is formed. These defects are stress concentrators and significantly reduce the mechanical properties of details. The main requirements for these parts are high performance properties, namely pore minimization, absence of cracks and fusions both between the layers and at the edges of the walls, low surface roughness to reduce subsequent machining.
Analyzing the possible solutions helped to find out the necessity of using a wobbler or beam shaper to achieve the required properties. As a result, wobbler was used for the research, because unlike the beam shaper, it has great functionality and the possibility of changing the wall thickness, by changing the scanning amplitude within the deposition process.
The research was carried out with the help of the laser metal deposition robotic complex, based on the fiber laser «LS‑5». The complex also includes a six-axis robot manipulator, a two-axis positioner and a sealed chamber with a 6 m3 volume. The working tool is the laser welding head D30 Wobble Module of IPG Company with a three-jet nozzle.
As a result of this work, optimal parameters (laser power, velocity of process, spot size, scanning amplitude) were determine to produce a thin wall with a minimum amount of defects (absence of cracks, non–fusion in the center and at the edges of the walls) and a low roughness (Rmax ≈ 40 μ, Ra ≈ 8 μ).
Keywords: additive technologies, high-speed direct laser deposition, beam oscillation, wobbler, roughness
Tags: additive technologies beam oscillation high-speed direct laser deposition roughness wobbler аддитивные технологии вобблер высокоскоростное прямое лазерное выращивание осцилляции пучка формирователь пучка шероховатость
O. G. Devoyno, V. V. Zharsky, A. P. Pilipchuk, V. V. Rudyy
Hardening of Large-Size Details Using Scanning Radiation of Optical Fiber Laser with Programming Power Change DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.524.530
The analysis of the scanning laser processing process. The results of the calculation of the temperature field arising during laser quenching with constant power and with a change in the laser radiation power depending on the position of the laser beam during its relative displacement are presented. The possibility of using software-variable laser power in the scanning process is shown. The results obtained were used in the development of a laser technological complex for the hardening of functionally loaded surfaces of large-sized MLS‑20–3DF-A large parts. The use of laser hardening of large-sized parts made it possible to improve the quality of products, to ensure an increase in the lifetime of mine dump trucks, to reduce the cost of products, to create additional production capacity.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.524.530
Hardening of Large-Size Details Using Scanning Radiation of Optical Fiber Laser with Programming Power Change DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.524.530
The analysis of the scanning laser processing process. The results of the calculation of the temperature field arising during laser quenching with constant power and with a change in the laser radiation power depending on the position of the laser beam during its relative displacement are presented. The possibility of using software-variable laser power in the scanning process is shown. The results obtained were used in the development of a laser technological complex for the hardening of functionally loaded surfaces of large-sized MLS‑20–3DF-A large parts. The use of laser hardening of large-sized parts made it possible to improve the quality of products, to ensure an increase in the lifetime of mine dump trucks, to reduce the cost of products, to create additional production capacity.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.524.530
Tags: laser laser hardening laser power mathematical model scanning system temperature лазер лазерная закалка математическая модель мощность лазерного излучения сканирующая система температурное поле.
V. P. Biryukov, S. A. Shmelev, A. V. Bogdanov, M. V. Taskans, V. G. Shtamm, S. A. Uspenskiy
Laser Hardening of Steels with a Rectangular Spot to Increase their Service Life DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.532.537
The rapid development of laser radiation sources and external optical systems requires improvement of methods for calculating the geometric parameters of hardened zones. The paper presents a brief overview of laser hardening steels laser spot rectangular shape. The results of the calculation of the depth and width of the hardened zones of the wheel steel rectangular spot, obtained by the regression equations of the first order, with equal linear radiation energy. It is shown that the wear resistance of the wheel steel increases by 2.14–3 times with a decrease in the wear of the rail steel during laser hardening in different modes.
Laser Hardening of Steels with a Rectangular Spot to Increase their Service Life DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.532.537
The rapid development of laser radiation sources and external optical systems requires improvement of methods for calculating the geometric parameters of hardened zones. The paper presents a brief overview of laser hardening steels laser spot rectangular shape. The results of the calculation of the depth and width of the hardened zones of the wheel steel rectangular spot, obtained by the regression equations of the first order, with equal linear radiation energy. It is shown that the wear resistance of the wheel steel increases by 2.14–3 times with a decrease in the wear of the rail steel during laser hardening in different modes.
Tags: laser hardening microhardness wear intensity интенсивность изнашивания лазерное упрочнение микротвердость
V. V. Vnuk, E. V. Ippolitov, S. V. Kamaev, S. V. Kozlov, M. A. Markov, M. M. Novikov, S. A. Cherebyl
Modernization of the Laser Stereolithography Sets LS-series DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.538.543
The article provides information on the modernization of laser stereolithography installations carried out at IPLIT RAS, a branch of the Federal Research Center for Crystallography and Photonics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2017–2018. The design of a laser stereolithography installation is considered using the LS‑250 installation as an example. The main technical characteristics of the LS series units are given. The features and results of the modernization of installations are considered.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.538.543
Modernization of the Laser Stereolithography Sets LS-series DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.538.543
The article provides information on the modernization of laser stereolithography installations carried out at IPLIT RAS, a branch of the Federal Research Center for Crystallography and Photonics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2017–2018. The design of a laser stereolithography installation is considered using the LS‑250 installation as an example. The main technical characteristics of the LS series units are given. The features and results of the modernization of installations are considered.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.538.543
Tags: additive technologies computer simulation laser stereolithography photopolymerization. аддитивные технологии компьютерное моделирование лазерная стереолитография фотополимеризация
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
INNOPROM−2019: Laser Cutting from BODOR
В 2019 году выставка ИННОПРОМ отметила свой юбилей: это уже десятая экспозиция в Екатеринбурге. На четыре дня ИННОПРОМ превратился в главную выставку промышленной техники, оборудования и услуг, а также закрепил за собой статус международной площадки инноваций в промышленности. На 50 тысячах квадратных метров выставочных площадей были выстроены стенды более 600 экспонентов из 22 стран мира. Свои новейшие технологии и разработки в сфере промышленности представили крупнейшие отечественные компании, такие как ГК «Ростех», АО «ОСК», ГК «Росатом», Концерн ВКО «Алмаз-Антей», OOO «ЕвразХолдинг», ООО «УГМК-Холдинг», РМК и другие.
Среди иностранных участников ИННОПРОМ‑2019: Siemens, Mazak, Fanuc, Kuka, Siempelkamp, Dassault Systèmes, Phoenix Contact, Autodesk и т. д. Более 200 компаний-экспонентов – иностранные участники. Свои национальные стенды представили 15 стран: Турция (страна-партнер), Австрия, Беларусь, Венгрия, ФРГ, Италия, Казахстан, КНР, Корея, Словакия, Тайвань, Франция, Чехия, ЮАР, Япония. 90 стран приняли участие в ИННОПРОМ‑2019 в качестве экспонентов, делегатов, почетных гостей и представителей бизнеса.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.548.551
Среди иностранных участников ИННОПРОМ‑2019: Siemens, Mazak, Fanuc, Kuka, Siempelkamp, Dassault Systèmes, Phoenix Contact, Autodesk и т. д. Более 200 компаний-экспонентов – иностранные участники. Свои национальные стенды представили 15 стран: Турция (страна-партнер), Австрия, Беларусь, Венгрия, ФРГ, Италия, Казахстан, КНР, Корея, Словакия, Тайвань, Франция, Чехия, ЮАР, Япония. 90 стран приняли участие в ИННОПРОМ‑2019 в качестве экспонентов, делегатов, почетных гостей и представителей бизнеса.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.548.551
LASER World of PHOTONICS 2019. Quantum Technology and More
Квантовые технологии – наступающая революция в мире науки и техники. Ни одна новостная лента не обходится без каких-либо упоминаний о них, венчурные агентства вступили в схватку между собой за право финансировать инновации. На выставке LASER World of PHOTONICS 2019 в Мюнхене были представлены интересные продукты по этому мегатренду.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.552.557
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.552.557
Lasers & Laser Systems
S. P. Nikitin, A. S. Suvorina, S. A. Babaev, P. A. Kulikov, A. V. Koribut
Powerful Femtosecond Ti : Sapphire Laser with Direct Diode Pump DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.558.563
Direct diode pump of femtosecond Ti: Sapphire laser is achieved by using spectrally-selective beam combining device. Passive Kerr lens modelocking operation with average output power at several hundred millwatt level has been demonstrated. Pump beam combining device preserves beam quality parameter M2, provides near-linear polarization and pump power of up to 10 W thus making this device a compact and energy efficient alternative to existing Ti : Sapphire laser pump solutions.
Powerful Femtosecond Ti : Sapphire Laser with Direct Diode Pump DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.558.563
Direct diode pump of femtosecond Ti: Sapphire laser is achieved by using spectrally-selective beam combining device. Passive Kerr lens modelocking operation with average output power at several hundred millwatt level has been demonstrated. Pump beam combining device preserves beam quality parameter M2, provides near-linear polarization and pump power of up to 10 W thus making this device a compact and energy efficient alternative to existing Ti : Sapphire laser pump solutions.
Tags: diode pumping femtosecond lasers ultrashort pulses диодная накачка ультракороткие импульсы фемтосекундные лазеры
Opto-electronic systems and complexes
M. V. Agrinsky, A. V. Golitsin, V. V. Startsev
Hyperspectral Remote Complex Project Sounding Land Using UAVs. Part 2 DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.564.568
Using an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with hyperspectral equipment, it is possible to collect spectro-topological information about a local area of interest with high resolution. Such opportunities offer great potential for using hyperspectral complexes in monitoring the use and condition of agricultural land. In the first part of the article (see PHOTONICS. 2019; 13 (2):) In the first part of the article, the design of the television camera and its interaction with mating nodes were considered. The second part of the article analyzes the operating principles and creates a practical model of a domestic hyperspectrometric complex designed to monitor the use and condition of agricultural land using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The complex can provide collection of high-resolution spectral and topological data in the region of interest. The description of the developed hyperspectrometric complex is continued and the calculations are presented that confirm the inherent technical characteristics and the calculations of the viewing area of the television camera.
Hyperspectral Remote Complex Project Sounding Land Using UAVs. Part 2 DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.564.568
Using an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with hyperspectral equipment, it is possible to collect spectro-topological information about a local area of interest with high resolution. Such opportunities offer great potential for using hyperspectral complexes in monitoring the use and condition of agricultural land. In the first part of the article (see PHOTONICS. 2019; 13 (2):) In the first part of the article, the design of the television camera and its interaction with mating nodes were considered. The second part of the article analyzes the operating principles and creates a practical model of a domestic hyperspectrometric complex designed to monitor the use and condition of agricultural land using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The complex can provide collection of high-resolution spectral and topological data in the region of interest. The description of the developed hyperspectrometric complex is continued and the calculations are presented that confirm the inherent technical characteristics and the calculations of the viewing area of the television camera.
Tags: hyperspectral survey monitoring of agricultural lands topographic survey. unmanned aerial vehicles беспилотные летательные аппараты гиперспектральная съемка мониторинг земель сельскохозяйственного назначения топографическая съемка
Microwave Photonics
S. M. Kontorov, A. V. Shipulin, F. Kuppers, V. V. Valuev
Multi-Channel Radio Photon Receiving Path DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.584.593
Different block diagrams of microwave photonics receiver are considered. The scheme of multichannel microwave photonics receiver is proposed based on vertical–cavity surface–emitting lasers, increased number of channels due to additional type of multiplexing based on vortex and received high frequency signals downconverted to intermediate frequency with the use of just one reference electro–optic modulator. For the input signals with limited bandwidth, another approach for photonic ADC can be used, in which every input signal spectral interval is processed by its own channel, and the width of the spectral interval is adjusted with the performance of an electronic ADC used for digitizing. In many cases, joint processing of the output signals of all channels is not necessary; otherwise, outputs of all channels can be Fourier–processed and concatenated to get complete spectrum of a wideband microwave input signal. For realization of this scheme, continuous wave laser, electro–optic modulators, narrow band optical filters and other passive components can be used. The use of amplitude modulators, together with the phase modulators in a strongly nonlinear regime, at sufficiently high input power of the microwave signal (overmodulation) makes it possible to create a comb generator with dozens of equidistant spectral frequencies with a small amplitude flatness less than 1 dB. Performance capabilities for signal ADC using spectral intervals are derived with numerical simulation and compared with experimental results. Parameters for optimal system operation are studied. It is shown that, for modern photonic components, 8–10 effective bits can be achieved in the digitized signal.
Multi-Channel Radio Photon Receiving Path DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.584.593
Different block diagrams of microwave photonics receiver are considered. The scheme of multichannel microwave photonics receiver is proposed based on vertical–cavity surface–emitting lasers, increased number of channels due to additional type of multiplexing based on vortex and received high frequency signals downconverted to intermediate frequency with the use of just one reference electro–optic modulator. For the input signals with limited bandwidth, another approach for photonic ADC can be used, in which every input signal spectral interval is processed by its own channel, and the width of the spectral interval is adjusted with the performance of an electronic ADC used for digitizing. In many cases, joint processing of the output signals of all channels is not necessary; otherwise, outputs of all channels can be Fourier–processed and concatenated to get complete spectrum of a wideband microwave input signal. For realization of this scheme, continuous wave laser, electro–optic modulators, narrow band optical filters and other passive components can be used. The use of amplitude modulators, together with the phase modulators in a strongly nonlinear regime, at sufficiently high input power of the microwave signal (overmodulation) makes it possible to create a comb generator with dozens of equidistant spectral frequencies with a small amplitude flatness less than 1 dB. Performance capabilities for signal ADC using spectral intervals are derived with numerical simulation and compared with experimental results. Parameters for optimal system operation are studied. It is shown that, for modern photonic components, 8–10 effective bits can be achieved in the digitized signal.
Tags: amplitude modulators fast photonic adc microwave photonics microwave photonics filters narrow band optical filters phase modulators vcsel vortex. амплитудные модуляторы быстрый радиофотонный ацп вортексы лазер с прямой модуляцией радиофотоника радиофотонные фильтры фазовые модуляторы
P. O. Yakushenkov
Optical Light Modulators DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.594.602
The amount of generated and transmitted information is increasing rapidly, its proceeding is mainly via fiber communication lines. In order to handle such volumes, higher speed systems are needed. Photonics is the best solution for their execution. A fast optical switch is essential for its implementation. The article describes different types of optical modulators for SHF devices of detection, transmission and processing the signal is increasing, that based on different physical effects and materials, also their comparing, performance and processing speed are shown. The results of creating promising magneto-optical modulators are reported.
Optical Light Modulators DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.594.602
The amount of generated and transmitted information is increasing rapidly, its proceeding is mainly via fiber communication lines. In order to handle such volumes, higher speed systems are needed. Photonics is the best solution for their execution. A fast optical switch is essential for its implementation. The article describes different types of optical modulators for SHF devices of detection, transmission and processing the signal is increasing, that based on different physical effects and materials, also their comparing, performance and processing speed are shown. The results of creating promising magneto-optical modulators are reported.
Tags: magneto-optical mach-zehnder modulator optical modulator photonics refractive index магнитооптический модулятор маха-цендера оптический модулятор показатель преломления фотоника
Optical Measurements
E. P. Kozhina
Lidar Technologies, State of the Art and Prospects DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.570.573
Lidar technologies for sensing distant objects, based on the phenomena of light scattering and absorption in transparent and translucent media, have been developing for several decades. Nowadays, lidars are a key element of robotic devices, autonomous cars, control and navigation systems for machine vision tools, mapping, diagnostics of the atmosphere and remote objects of various nature. The note provides a brief overview of some relevant areas of the use of lidar technologies, made on the basis of open press materials.
Lidar Technologies, State of the Art and Prospects DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.570.573
Lidar technologies for sensing distant objects, based on the phenomena of light scattering and absorption in transparent and translucent media, have been developing for several decades. Nowadays, lidars are a key element of robotic devices, autonomous cars, control and navigation systems for machine vision tools, mapping, diagnostics of the atmosphere and remote objects of various nature. The note provides a brief overview of some relevant areas of the use of lidar technologies, made on the basis of open press materials.
Metrology and Certification
G. N. Vishnyakov, G. G. Levin, V. L. Minaev, A. D. Ivanov
Equipment for Diagnostics of Parameters of Additive Technology Products The article presents a set of equipment designed to diagnose product parameters made using additive technologies. The complex includes an interference microscope, a 3D camera, a 3D scanner and an electronic speckle interferometer, as well as metrological support for these devices in the form of measures and measurement procedures. The advantage of the developed solution is the ability to simulate surface deformation with various physical properties and characteristics.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.544.547
Equipment for Diagnostics of Parameters of Additive Technology Products The article presents a set of equipment designed to diagnose product parameters made using additive technologies. The complex includes an interference microscope, a 3D camera, a 3D scanner and an electronic speckle interferometer, as well as metrological support for these devices in the form of measures and measurement procedures. The advantage of the developed solution is the ability to simulate surface deformation with various physical properties and characteristics.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.544.547
Tags: calibration of a 3d camera and a 3d scanner metrological support of products made by additive technology speckle interferometer выполненных методами аддитивных технологий калибровка 3d‑камеры и 3d‑сканера метрологическое обеспечение изделий спекл-интерферометр
Optical measurements
A. K. Fedorov
Quantum Technologies: from Scientific Discoveries to New Applications DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.574.583
Lidar technologies for sensing distant objects, based on the phenomena of light scattering and absorption in transparent and translucent media, have been developing for several decades. Nowadays, lidars are a key element of robotic devices, autonomous cars, control and navigation systems for machine vision tools, mapping, diagnostics of the atmosphere and remote objects of various nature. The note provides a brief overview of some relevant areas of the use of lidar technologies, made on the basis of open press materials.
Quantum Technologies: from Scientific Discoveries to New Applications DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.574.583
Lidar technologies for sensing distant objects, based on the phenomena of light scattering and absorption in transparent and translucent media, have been developing for several decades. Nowadays, lidars are a key element of robotic devices, autonomous cars, control and navigation systems for machine vision tools, mapping, diagnostics of the atmosphere and remote objects of various nature. The note provides a brief overview of some relevant areas of the use of lidar technologies, made on the basis of open press materials.