Business People
V. V. Startsev
Astrohn: Business Technological Security DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.352.357
Astrohn: Business Technological Security DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.352.357
Technologies and Technology Equipment
D. S. Trubashevskiy
Eppur si muove or Forget Everything You Knew About Classic 3D Printing DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.358.368
The main goal of additive manufacturing (AM) is to significantly increase the full-scale production capacity. The dynamic development of additive technologies (AT) is related to the prospects for its automation when integrating into the machine designs of the modular layout arrangements. The layouts are considered where the workbench is an important element for production automation and performance improvement of the entire process system. The usage of a round table with polar coordinates can affect the AM capacity. Various ATs are considered, including MJM, STEP, MoldJet, HSR, in order to demonstrate application of such workbenches.
Eppur si muove or Forget Everything You Knew About Classic 3D Printing DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.358.368
The main goal of additive manufacturing (AM) is to significantly increase the full-scale production capacity. The dynamic development of additive technologies (AT) is related to the prospects for its automation when integrating into the machine designs of the modular layout arrangements. The layouts are considered where the workbench is an important element for production automation and performance improvement of the entire process system. The usage of a round table with polar coordinates can affect the AM capacity. Various ATs are considered, including MJM, STEP, MoldJet, HSR, in order to demonstrate application of such workbenches.
Tags: 3d printers 3d printing 3d printing of electronic components 3d-печать 3d-печать электронных компонентов 3d-принтеры additive manufacturing additive technologies automation cartesian reference system full-scale production multi-materiality piezoelectric heads polar coordinate system robotic process automation rotational 3d printing wearable electronics автоматизация аддитивное производство аддитивные технологии декартовая система координат мультиматериальность носимая электроника полярная система координат пьезоэлектрические головки роботизация ротационная 3d-печать серийное производство
Optical Devices & Systems
A. P. Semenov, M. A. Abdulkadyrov, V. E. Patrikeev, A. B. Morozov, R. K. Nasyrov
Testing Methods for the Shape of Axial and Extra-Axial Aspherical Surfaces with a Computer-Generated Holograms, Decentering Determination and Distortion Consideration During Its Formation. Part II DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.392.402
Diffractive optical elements (DOE) or computer-generated holograms (CGH) have become an integral part of the up-to-date testing of aspherical surfaces of the large-sized optical mirrors and optical systems. The features of the control of off-axis aspherical surfaces with CGH and the control and shaping of an off-axis aspherical mirror are considered in this article (see PHOTONICS RUSSIA, 2022, Vol. 16, № 4, Part I).
Testing Methods for the Shape of Axial and Extra-Axial Aspherical Surfaces with a Computer-Generated Holograms, Decentering Determination and Distortion Consideration During Its Formation. Part II DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.392.402
Diffractive optical elements (DOE) or computer-generated holograms (CGH) have become an integral part of the up-to-date testing of aspherical surfaces of the large-sized optical mirrors and optical systems. The features of the control of off-axis aspherical surfaces with CGH and the control and shaping of an off-axis aspherical mirror are considered in this article (see PHOTONICS RUSSIA, 2022, Vol. 16, № 4, Part I).
Tags: distortion during formation large-sized optical systems synthesized diffraction gratings testing of aspherical surfaces дисторсия при формообразовании контроль асферических поверхностей крупногабаритные оптические системы синтезированные дифракционные решетки
A. A. Lobanov, G. A. Mozharov, A. S. Filonov
Optical Finder for a Space Probe Autonomous Landing on Small Bodies of the Solar System DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.404.414
The original design of the multichannel optical finder with polar correlation is proposed. The finder considers as a part of the aboard multifunctional system of the space probe. The direction finder is able to significantly improve the accuracy of guidance when landing on small bodies of the solar system, carried out in an autonomous mode. The direction finder model is created in thin components based on mathematical modeling and the laws of geometric optics.
Optical Finder for a Space Probe Autonomous Landing on Small Bodies of the Solar System DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.404.414
The original design of the multichannel optical finder with polar correlation is proposed. The finder considers as a part of the aboard multifunctional system of the space probe. The direction finder is able to significantly improve the accuracy of guidance when landing on small bodies of the solar system, carried out in an autonomous mode. The direction finder model is created in thin components based on mathematical modeling and the laws of geometric optics.
Tags: descent and landing mismatch of target angular coordinates onboard navigation and guidance system optical direction finder spacecraft space probe бортовой комплекс навигации и наведения космические летательные аппараты оптический пеленгатор рассогласование угловых координат цели спуск и посадка
P. A. Khorin, S. N. Khonina
Aberration-Matched Filter for the Topological Vortex Charge Analysis DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.416.424
It is well-known that the astigmatic transformation is used to analyze the topological vortex charge. In this paper, a multi-order filter matched to various aberrations described by the Zernike polynomials is used to implement the astigmatic transformations of vortex beams. Such a filter makes it possible to simultaneously introduce several wave aberrations with various types and levels into the analyzed vortex beam in order to implement various aberrational transformations, including astigmatism. In this case, a set of aberration-transformed distributions of the analyzed vortex beam is formed in the focal plane in different diffracting orders that facilitates determination of its topological charge.
Aberration-Matched Filter for the Topological Vortex Charge Analysis DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.416.424
It is well-known that the astigmatic transformation is used to analyze the topological vortex charge. In this paper, a multi-order filter matched to various aberrations described by the Zernike polynomials is used to implement the astigmatic transformations of vortex beams. Such a filter makes it possible to simultaneously introduce several wave aberrations with various types and levels into the analyzed vortex beam in order to implement various aberrational transformations, including astigmatism. In this case, a set of aberration-transformed distributions of the analyzed vortex beam is formed in the focal plane in different diffracting orders that facilitates determination of its topological charge.
Tags: gaussian-laguerre modes hermite-gaussian modes topological charge vortex beams wave aberrations вихревые пучки волновые аберрации моды лагерра-гаусса моды эрмита-гаусса топологический заряд
Microwave Photonics
B. A. Borisov, S. I. Donchenko, A. S. Zhabin, V. V. Murashkin, N. N. Parkhomenko, Yu. A. Roy, [M. A. Sadovnikov], A. L. Sokolov, E. V. Titov, V. D. Shargorodsky
Development of “Tochka” Radio-Laser of Space Geodesy and Navigation Issues DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.370.391
The laser ranging measurement systems that are included in the coordinate-time data determination system, are designed to solve many application and fundamental problems. To achieve the high accuracy specifications of the GLONASS global navigation satellite system, new generation radio-laser stations “Tochka” and their modifications have been developed. This article describes the methods for achieving submillimeter accuracy of laser range measurements to the satellite vehicles with the laser retroreflectors and for ensuring subnanosecond verification accuracy of onboard time scales with the ground-based standards and remote time center scales.
Development of “Tochka” Radio-Laser of Space Geodesy and Navigation Issues DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.5.370.391
The laser ranging measurement systems that are included in the coordinate-time data determination system, are designed to solve many application and fundamental problems. To achieve the high accuracy specifications of the GLONASS global navigation satellite system, new generation radio-laser stations “Tochka” and their modifications have been developed. This article describes the methods for achieving submillimeter accuracy of laser range measurements to the satellite vehicles with the laser retroreflectors and for ensuring subnanosecond verification accuracy of onboard time scales with the ground-based standards and remote time center scales.
Tags: geocentric coordinates of ground points geodetic and navigation sv orbits glonass laser ranging onboard and ground-based radio laser systems retroreflector systems satellite vehicles (sv) бортовые и наземные радиолазерные системы геоцентрические координаты наземных пунктов глонасс космические аппараты (ка) лазерная дальнометрия орбиты геодезических и навигационных ка ретрорефлекторные системы