Technologies and Technology Equipment
LIMO. Portrait of The Company For more than 20 years LIMO has been known in the photonics industry as the leading company in laser beam shaping. At LIMO’s headquarter in Dortmund an international team of more than 240 engineers, physicists, technicians and many other specialized staff develops, manufactures and sells innovative micro-optics and laser systems.
LIMO. Portrait of The Company For more than 20 years LIMO has been known in the photonics industry as the leading company in laser beam shaping. At LIMO’s headquarter in Dortmund an international team of more than 240 engineers, physicists, technicians and many other specialized staff develops, manufactures and sells innovative micro-optics and laser systems.
Tags: ablation surface processing multi-scale texturing powerful laser diodes ultra-short pulse lasers абляционная обработка поверхности лазеры ультракоротких импульсов мощные диодные лазеры
Optical Devices & Systems
A.Belozyorov, N.Larionov, A.Lukin, A.Melnikov
On-axis computer-generated hologram optical elements: History of development and use. Part I This paper presents stages of development of manufacturing technology of on-axis computer-generated hologram optical elements and application of these elements in optical industry and instrument-making, in particular, for testing aspherical surfaces, controlling the alignment of centered multicomponent optical systems, including two-mirror systems of Cassegrain and Ritchey-Chretien optical telescopes. It describes the equipment for manufacturing on-axis computer-generated hologram optical elements.
On-axis computer-generated hologram optical elements: History of development and use. Part I This paper presents stages of development of manufacturing technology of on-axis computer-generated hologram optical elements and application of these elements in optical industry and instrument-making, in particular, for testing aspherical surfaces, controlling the alignment of centered multicomponent optical systems, including two-mirror systems of Cassegrain and Ritchey-Chretien optical telescopes. It describes the equipment for manufacturing on-axis computer-generated hologram optical elements.
Tags: alignment of centered multicomponent optical system aspherical surface computer-generated hologram optical element manufacturing technology асферическая поверхность синтезированный голограммный оптический элемент технология изготовления юстировка центрированной многокомпонентной оптической системы
Optoelectronic Devices
V. Kiselev, E. Berchenko, A. Filatov, P. Konyaev, L. Lavrinova, V. Lukin
Simulator of Wave Front Phase Distortions Turbulent mixing of air masses in atmosphere, molecular and aerosol absorptions in the channel of high-power optical radiation propagation distort the transmitted signal. For their minimization different methods can be applied selecting the optimal wavelengths or radiation time modes. However, the most radical instrument includes the adaptive optical system (AOS) which allows the compensation of these distortions on a real-time basis.
Simulator of Wave Front Phase Distortions Turbulent mixing of air masses in atmosphere, molecular and aerosol absorptions in the channel of high-power optical radiation propagation distort the transmitted signal. For their minimization different methods can be applied selecting the optimal wavelengths or radiation time modes. However, the most radical instrument includes the adaptive optical system (AOS) which allows the compensation of these distortions on a real-time basis.
Tags: adaptive optical systems concurrent calculations simulation of phase distortions of optical waves адаптивные оптические системы моделирование фазовых искажений оптических волн параллельные вычисления
A. Medvedev, A. Grinkevich, S. Knyazeva
Single-Pupillary Systems with Built-in Laser Rangefinder The principle of designing of optical systems with an integrated laser rangefinder is being reviewed. This principle is based on the linear polarization of the laser radiation. There are design variants provided, which feature varying optical trains of a separate rangefinder and sighting and observation systems with integrated rangefinder channels.
Single-Pupillary Systems with Built-in Laser Rangefinder The principle of designing of optical systems with an integrated laser rangefinder is being reviewed. This principle is based on the linear polarization of the laser radiation. There are design variants provided, which feature varying optical trains of a separate rangefinder and sighting and observation systems with integrated rangefinder channels.
Tags: laser emitter light polarization multispectral system quarter-wavelength plate radiation receiver rangefinder receiver channel splitter transmitter channel дальномер лазерный излучатель мультиспектральная система передающий канал поляризация приемник излучения приемный канал сплиттер четвертьволновая пластина
E.Becker, A.Farsoni
Wireless, Low-Cost, FPGA-Based Miniature Gamma Ray Spectrometer A compact, low-cost, wireless gamma-ray spectrometer is a tool sought by a number of different organizations in the field of radiation detection. Such a device has applications in emergency response, battlefield assessment, and personal dosimetry.
Wireless, Low-Cost, FPGA-Based Miniature Gamma Ray Spectrometer A compact, low-cost, wireless gamma-ray spectrometer is a tool sought by a number of different organizations in the field of radiation detection. Such a device has applications in emergency response, battlefield assessment, and personal dosimetry.
M. Schelev
Discoverer Of picosecond Electron-optical chronography. Part II High-speed image intensifier tubes (IIT) refer to the unique scientific devices intended for the photographic record of fast processes and study of ultra-short phenomena with pico-femtosecond duration in laser plasma physics, nonlinear and fiber optics, gas dynamics, photobiology. The development of technical physics devices which are capable to transmit information with attosecond time resolution at the extreme is considered in the review continuatio
Discoverer Of picosecond Electron-optical chronography. Part II High-speed image intensifier tubes (IIT) refer to the unique scientific devices intended for the photographic record of fast processes and study of ultra-short phenomena with pico-femtosecond duration in laser plasma physics, nonlinear and fiber optics, gas dynamics, photobiology. The development of technical physics devices which are capable to transmit information with attosecond time resolution at the extreme is considered in the review continuatio
Tags: electrooptical transducers stop-action registration регистрация быстропротекающих процессов электрооптические преобразователи
I.Laser, B.Ivanov, V.Kalinin
Microsystems Techniques Physical and Chemical Sensoric Novel achievements in the field of fundamental research of quantum ripple effects justify the feasibility to build a quantum computing device. But commercialization of such inventions is anticipated in 10–15 years. Alongside these researches there is an another line of development: microsystems techniques, that are based on more complete usage of boundary physical effects. They permit to manufacture electronics products at the advanced technological level with unmatched competitive advantages.
Microsystems Techniques Physical and Chemical Sensoric Novel achievements in the field of fundamental research of quantum ripple effects justify the feasibility to build a quantum computing device. But commercialization of such inventions is anticipated in 10–15 years. Alongside these researches there is an another line of development: microsystems techniques, that are based on more complete usage of boundary physical effects. They permit to manufacture electronics products at the advanced technological level with unmatched competitive advantages.