Competent Opinion
Technologies and Technology Equipment
V.Gorokhov, E.Zakharevich, M.Shavva
Cutting In The Quasiplastic Mode In the machining theory, a common term is hard-to- cut materials. These are both hardened and stainless steel, and hard alloys. However, among all hard-to- cut materials, brittle materials can be distinguished as a separate class: optical glass, crystals of different salts, monocrystalline quartz, quartz glass, germanium, etc. Their high hardness and brittleness causes great difficulties in cutting as brittle fractures are accompanied by an active cracking, chipping and a variety of defects on the surface. At the same time, the specific nature of part manufactured of these materials is that often, the problem is not only in the machining capability of brittle materials using the existing equipment, but also in obtaining high- precision surfaces with nanometer roughness and minimal internal stresses.
Cutting In The Quasiplastic Mode In the machining theory, a common term is hard-to- cut materials. These are both hardened and stainless steel, and hard alloys. However, among all hard-to- cut materials, brittle materials can be distinguished as a separate class: optical glass, crystals of different salts, monocrystalline quartz, quartz glass, germanium, etc. Their high hardness and brittleness causes great difficulties in cutting as brittle fractures are accompanied by an active cracking, chipping and a variety of defects on the surface. At the same time, the specific nature of part manufactured of these materials is that often, the problem is not only in the machining capability of brittle materials using the existing equipment, but also in obtaining high- precision surfaces with nanometer roughness and minimal internal stresses.
Tags: hard-to-cut materials high-precision roughness of surfaces ultrahigh-precision equipment труднообрабатываемые материалы ультрапрецизионноточные станки хрупкие материалы шероховатость поверхности
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
Lasers & Laser Systems
Dr. Heiko Kissel, Dr. Jörg Neukum, Dr. Paul Crump, Dr. Thomas Töpfer
Reliable High-Power Diode Laser Arrays For QCW Operation With High Duty Cycles The performance and reliability data of high-brightness QCW arrays are presented.Operation at increased heat sink temperatures up to 45°C is possible without active water cooling or conduction cooling with the help of Peltier elements.
Reliable High-Power Diode Laser Arrays For QCW Operation With High Duty Cycles The performance and reliability data of high-brightness QCW arrays are presented.Operation at increased heat sink temperatures up to 45°C is possible without active water cooling or conduction cooling with the help of Peltier elements.
Tags: high-brightness qcw arrays performance reliability высокомощные лазерные диодные сборки квазинепрерывный режим производительность надежность
Optical Devices & Systems
A.Medvedev, A.Grinkevich, S.Knyazeva
Development Of The Design Concept Of Monocular Systems With An Integrated Laser Rangefinder The article describes the design concept of the optical systems with an integrated laser rangefinder. It is based on applying specific properties of the semiconductor laser emitter direction diagram and laser receiver sensitivity diagram. It is offered for discussion the variants of optical sighting and observation systems with optical and electron sighting paths, combined with the emitting and receiving channels of the semiconductor laser rangefinder
Development Of The Design Concept Of Monocular Systems With An Integrated Laser Rangefinder The article describes the design concept of the optical systems with an integrated laser rangefinder. It is based on applying specific properties of the semiconductor laser emitter direction diagram and laser receiver sensitivity diagram. It is offered for discussion the variants of optical sighting and observation systems with optical and electron sighting paths, combined with the emitting and receiving channels of the semiconductor laser rangefinder
Tags: directional diagram electronic sighting channel optical sighting channel radiation detector rangefinder semiconductor-based laser emitter sensitivity diagram дальномер диаграмма направленности диаграмма чувствительности оптический визирный тракт полупроводниковый лазерный излучатель приемник излучения электронный визирный тракт
E.Sosnin, V.Tarasenko
Excimer Lamp As A Perspective Photonic Instrument Among the large variety of incoherent sources of narrow-band radiation in the UV and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectral range, excimer lamps stand apart due to a successful combination of the physical parameters and ease of use. These features have made excimer lamps indispensable in solving the problem of intensifying radiation of extended objects, whether they are cells with liquids and gases or premises for animals, or operating rooms.
Excimer Lamp As A Perspective Photonic Instrument Among the large variety of incoherent sources of narrow-band radiation in the UV and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectral range, excimer lamps stand apart due to a successful combination of the physical parameters and ease of use. These features have made excimer lamps indispensable in solving the problem of intensifying radiation of extended objects, whether they are cells with liquids and gases or premises for animals, or operating rooms.
Tags: excimer lamps sources of narrow-band radiation in the uv- and –vuv-spectral ra источники уф- и вуф-излучения эксилампы
History Of Science And Technology
To The History Of Modern Optics And Role Of Vavilov State Optical Institute In Its Development In Russia. Part I Рeople were interested in the "optical" processes for many centuries and millenniums, the practical achievements in optics are 400-500 years old.
To The History Of Modern Optics And Role Of Vavilov State Optical Institute In Its Development In Russia. Part I Рeople were interested in the "optical" processes for many centuries and millenniums, the practical achievements in optics are 400-500 years old.
Fiber-Optic Technoligies
Leakage Of Channel Information Based On The Spurious Crosstalk (Modulation) In An Optical Fiber In the continuation of the review some elements of optic cable systems are considered as source to create the possible information leakage channel. It was shown that the leakage signal power is determined by the power of probing signal. Protection is proposed to build on the basis of screening, filtering, noise and detection spurious modulation.
Leakage Of Channel Information Based On The Spurious Crosstalk (Modulation) In An Optical Fiber In the continuation of the review some elements of optic cable systems are considered as source to create the possible information leakage channel. It was shown that the leakage signal power is determined by the power of probing signal. Protection is proposed to build on the basis of screening, filtering, noise and detection spurious modulation.
Tags: eavesdropping talks optical cable systems spurious light modulation in optical fiber оптические кабельные системы паразитные модуляции света в оптоволокне подслушивание переговоров
V.Epifanov, V.Morarenco
Analysis Of High-Speed Optical Signals Using Sampling Oscilloscope In high-speed optical signal transmission, e. g., in DWDM systems, an additional noise appears which can be removed from the signal only by converting the optical signal into an electrical one and vice versa, or a risk of bit errors arises, or the accumulation of jitter causes a loss of synchronization. Thus, a sampling oscilloscope for accurate characterization of digital devices, including optical transceivers for transmitting data at a rate of 50 Mbit/s to 80 Gbit/s or more, and the measuring system on its basis were proposed.
Analysis Of High-Speed Optical Signals Using Sampling Oscilloscope In high-speed optical signal transmission, e. g., in DWDM systems, an additional noise appears which can be removed from the signal only by converting the optical signal into an electrical one and vice versa, or a risk of bit errors arises, or the accumulation of jitter causes a loss of synchronization. Thus, a sampling oscilloscope for accurate characterization of digital devices, including optical transceivers for transmitting data at a rate of 50 Mbit/s to 80 Gbit/s or more, and the measuring system on its basis were proposed.
Tags: digital communications analyzer dwdm-systems dwdm- системы sampling oscilloscope анализатор сигналов стробоскопический осциллограф
Optoelectronic Devices
Henri Porte, Philippe Le Roux
LiNbO3 Modulators For Space Environment Photonics systems, sub-systems and components are found in an increasing number of applications of many high technology industry segments. This remark applies particularly to space-embarked systems, which rely on the versatility and reliability of photonic systems to realize many of the critical functions needed to insure their safe and durable operation.
LiNbO3 Modulators For Space Environment Photonics systems, sub-systems and components are found in an increasing number of applications of many high technology industry segments. This remark applies particularly to space-embarked systems, which rely on the versatility and reliability of photonic systems to realize many of the critical functions needed to insure their safe and durable operation.
Tags: electro-optic modulators fiber optics gyroscopes волоконно-оптические гироскопы электрооптические модуляторы
R.Raylman, A.Stolin, S.Majewski, J.Proffitt
A Large Area, Silicon Photomultiplier-Based Pet Detector Module The introduction of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) has facilitated construction of compact, efficient and magnetic field-hardened positron emission tomography (PET) scanners. The module consists of a 26 × 58 array of 1.5 × 1.5 mm LYSO elements (spanning 41 × 91 mm) coupled to two SensL SiPM arrays.
A Large Area, Silicon Photomultiplier-Based Pet Detector Module The introduction of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) has facilitated construction of compact, efficient and magnetic field-hardened positron emission tomography (PET) scanners. The module consists of a 26 × 58 array of 1.5 × 1.5 mm LYSO elements (spanning 41 × 91 mm) coupled to two SensL SiPM arrays.