Technologies and Technology Equipment
E. V. Zemlyakov, N. R. Alymov, A. M. Vildanov, K. D. Babkin, S. Yu. Ivanov, N. G. Kislov, D. S. Tarasov, A. S. Myatlev, A. A. Ivanovsky
Application of Laser and Additive Technologies in the Manufacturing of Advanced Industrial Gas Turbine Units DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.436.452
To ensure the competitiveness of high-tech industries, the introduction of new technologies of materials processing is required. The technological capabilities of advanced laser and additive technologies are shown by the example of manufacturing the gas collector of the combustion chamber of the GTE‑65.1 gas turbine unit. The main stages of preparation for the production of high-precision blanks by direct laser deposition from heat-resistant nickel alloy and stainless steel, and their subsequent processing are described. The results of metallographic studies, mechanical tests and geometry control are presented, confirming the high level of quality of the products obtained. The article demonstrates possibility of combining additive technologies, laser welding and cutting technologies, and technologies of thermal, mechanical and electroerosion processing in the manufacture of technically complex assemblies and parts.
Application of Laser and Additive Technologies in the Manufacturing of Advanced Industrial Gas Turbine Units DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.436.452
To ensure the competitiveness of high-tech industries, the introduction of new technologies of materials processing is required. The technological capabilities of advanced laser and additive technologies are shown by the example of manufacturing the gas collector of the combustion chamber of the GTE‑65.1 gas turbine unit. The main stages of preparation for the production of high-precision blanks by direct laser deposition from heat-resistant nickel alloy and stainless steel, and their subsequent processing are described. The results of metallographic studies, mechanical tests and geometry control are presented, confirming the high level of quality of the products obtained. The article demonstrates possibility of combining additive technologies, laser welding and cutting technologies, and technologies of thermal, mechanical and electroerosion processing in the manufacture of technically complex assemblies and parts.
Tags: additive technologies direct laser deposition gas turbine units heat-resistant nickel alloys laser technologies stainless steels аддитивные технологии газотурбинная установка жаропрочные никелевые сплавы лазерные технологии нержавеющие стали прямое лазерное выращивание
V. P. Biryukov
The Effect of Laser Alloying and Surfacing on the Mechanical and Tribotechnical Properties of Steel Surfaces DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.454.463
The paper presents the results of metallographic and tribotechnical studies of the samples of 20Kh13 steel alloyed with Fe-Cr-V-W-Mo powder using a laser beam and with the addition of 5 vol. % nano-powder of tantalum carbide to the charge. Elemental analysis showed that the alloying elements in the charge are distributed evenly over the depth of the layer. Transverse oscillations of the laser beam led to an increase in the productivity of the laser alloying process. The analysis of the tribotechnical tests tesults revealed that the alloyed layers had lower friction coefficients when adding tantalum nano carbides to the charge, and higher wear resistance compared to the main charge and the initial steel.
The Effect of Laser Alloying and Surfacing on the Mechanical and Tribotechnical Properties of Steel Surfaces DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.454.463
The paper presents the results of metallographic and tribotechnical studies of the samples of 20Kh13 steel alloyed with Fe-Cr-V-W-Mo powder using a laser beam and with the addition of 5 vol. % nano-powder of tantalum carbide to the charge. Elemental analysis showed that the alloying elements in the charge are distributed evenly over the depth of the layer. Transverse oscillations of the laser beam led to an increase in the productivity of the laser alloying process. The analysis of the tribotechnical tests tesults revealed that the alloyed layers had lower friction coefficients when adding tantalum nano carbides to the charge, and higher wear resistance compared to the main charge and the initial steel.
Tags: laser alloying power equipment surface microstructuring triboengineering лазерное легирование микроструктурирование поверхности триботехника энергетическое оборудование
Optical Devices & Systems
V. Yu. Venediktov, B. Nyamweru, R. A. Larichev, Yu. V. Filatov, E. V. Shishalova
Optical null-indicators for goniometric systems: a review DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.464.474
Nowadays, high-precision angle measurement is necessary in many fields of science and industry. Precision angle measurements are especially important when checking and controlling various optical parts and angular measures. One of the most accurate devices at the moment is a goniometer, which allows you to measure angles by non-contact methods. This article discusses various types of null-indicators used in goniometric systems, their advantages and disadvantages are indicated. The review is intended to provide a basic understanding of goniometric systems and null-indicators used in angular measurements.
Optical null-indicators for goniometric systems: a review DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.464.474
Nowadays, high-precision angle measurement is necessary in many fields of science and industry. Precision angle measurements are especially important when checking and controlling various optical parts and angular measures. One of the most accurate devices at the moment is a goniometer, which allows you to measure angles by non-contact methods. This article discusses various types of null-indicators used in goniometric systems, their advantages and disadvantages are indicated. The review is intended to provide a basic understanding of goniometric systems and null-indicators used in angular measurements.
Tags: autocollimator goniometric systems null-indicator optical polygon автоколлиматор гониометрические системы многогранная призма нуль-индикатор
Fiber Optic Devices & Technoligies
V. V. Grishachev, A. D. Zabolotskaya
Information Security Concern of Fiber-Optic Technologies DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.484.500
The paper presents an analysis of information security threats to the critical information infrastructure operating on the basis of fiber-optic technologies. The proposed model identifies three areas of privacy threats, including traffic interception in the optical networks; fiber optic channel of information leakage circulating at the protected facility; unauthorized access to the information using the fiber-optic technical intelligence means.
Information Security Concern of Fiber-Optic Technologies DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.484.500
The paper presents an analysis of information security threats to the critical information infrastructure operating on the basis of fiber-optic technologies. The proposed model identifies three areas of privacy threats, including traffic interception in the optical networks; fiber optic channel of information leakage circulating at the protected facility; unauthorized access to the information using the fiber-optic technical intelligence means.
Tags: fiber-optic information leakage channel fiber-optic technical intelligence means information security of fiber-optic technologies traffic interception in the optical networks волоконно-оптические средства технической разведки волоконно-оптический канал утечки информации информационная безопасность волоконно-оптических технологий перехват трафика в оптических сетях
Optical measurements
F. G. Agaev, I. H. Asadov
On the Possibility of Satellite Spectrophotometric Estimation of the Volume of the Trace Gase Emission into the Atmosphere During the Hydrocarbon Gas Flaring DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.476.482
The article is devoted to the improvement of previously developed methods of satellite spectrophotometric control of volumes of hydrocarbon gases burned in flares by assessing and registering an increase in the content of trace gases in the atmosphere. A new method for determining the volumes of gases NO2 and SO2 emitted into the atmosphere during the combustion of associated hydrocarbon gas is proposed. To implement the proposed method, an on-board IR spectroradiometer VIIRS and an on-board spectroradiometer of the OMI type or other similar devices can be used. Before calculating the concentrations of gases NO2 and SO2 emitted into the atmosphere, the source of their occurrence is to be determined: whether the results of spectrophotometric measurements relate exclusively to the flaring of the associated hydrocarbon gas or to the operation of diesel engines. Using the detection criterion in the form of the ratio of the initially calculated values of the volumes NO2 and SO2, the source of the emission is determined: Based on belong of the sources to the associated hydrocarbon gas flaring or to the operation of diesel engines, the measurement results will contribute to the monitoring of oil and gas production zones where significant anomalies in the concentration of trace gases are observed.
On the Possibility of Satellite Spectrophotometric Estimation of the Volume of the Trace Gase Emission into the Atmosphere During the Hydrocarbon Gas Flaring DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.6.476.482
The article is devoted to the improvement of previously developed methods of satellite spectrophotometric control of volumes of hydrocarbon gases burned in flares by assessing and registering an increase in the content of trace gases in the atmosphere. A new method for determining the volumes of gases NO2 and SO2 emitted into the atmosphere during the combustion of associated hydrocarbon gas is proposed. To implement the proposed method, an on-board IR spectroradiometer VIIRS and an on-board spectroradiometer of the OMI type or other similar devices can be used. Before calculating the concentrations of gases NO2 and SO2 emitted into the atmosphere, the source of their occurrence is to be determined: whether the results of spectrophotometric measurements relate exclusively to the flaring of the associated hydrocarbon gas or to the operation of diesel engines. Using the detection criterion in the form of the ratio of the initially calculated values of the volumes NO2 and SO2, the source of the emission is determined: Based on belong of the sources to the associated hydrocarbon gas flaring or to the operation of diesel engines, the measurement results will contribute to the monitoring of oil and gas production zones where significant anomalies in the concentration of trace gases are observed.