Conferences, exhibition & seminars
Holography and applied optical technologies There is assessment of the state of the market of holographic products.Also the latest scientific and technical developments in the field of holography is presented, the main directions of development in the areas of protective holography, pictorial holography, holographic interferometry, creation of diffraction and hologram optical elements presents in this article.
Holography and applied optical technologies There is assessment of the state of the market of holographic products.Also the latest scientific and technical developments in the field of holography is presented, the main directions of development in the areas of protective holography, pictorial holography, holographic interferometry, creation of diffraction and hologram optical elements presents in this article.
Tags: creation of diffraction and hologram optical elements holographic interferometry pictorial holography protective holography голографическая интерферометрия голографические фильтры защитная голография изобразительная голография
A. S. Kabanov
Progressive methods of calculation and application of complex coatings The article presents a brief overview of the content of reports presented at the international technological seminar "Modern approaches to the production of precise optics, advanced methods for calculating and applying complex coatings".
Progressive methods of calculation and application of complex coatings The article presents a brief overview of the content of reports presented at the international technological seminar "Modern approaches to the production of precise optics, advanced methods for calculating and applying complex coatings".
Tags: ion beam sputtering vacuum systems methods for controlling the application of optical coatings optical coating design optical filters вакуумные установки ионно-лучевого напыления дизайн оптических покрытий методы контроля нанесения оптических покрытий оптические фильтры
Additive Technologies
Formnext 2018. Results of a large-scale European exhibition on 3d printing The article provides a brief overview of the main events on the market of additive technologies presented at the exhibition Formnext 2018. The key trends are highlighted in order of importance: from additive machines to the software of their work and the materials used.
Formnext 2018. Results of a large-scale European exhibition on 3d printing The article provides a brief overview of the main events on the market of additive technologies presented at the exhibition Formnext 2018. The key trends are highlighted in order of importance: from additive machines to the software of their work and the materials used.
Optical Devices & Systems
M.V.Agrinsky, A.V.Golitsin, V.V.Startsev
Designing an optical system for a hyperspectral camera applying optical fluids with a “special” dispersion path The hyperspectral remote sensing method allows detecting small objects, identifying their composition and observing their internal processes. The method has high sensitivity when working with objects that do not have the characteristic selected lines of the spectrum. A hyperspectral camera with a wide spectral range at five wavelengths is presented. The design is based on liquid optical materials with a "special" dispersion path for the superachromatic correction of chromatic aberrations.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.794.800
Designing an optical system for a hyperspectral camera applying optical fluids with a “special” dispersion path The hyperspectral remote sensing method allows detecting small objects, identifying their composition and observing their internal processes. The method has high sensitivity when working with objects that do not have the characteristic selected lines of the spectrum. A hyperspectral camera with a wide spectral range at five wavelengths is presented. The design is based on liquid optical materials with a "special" dispersion path for the superachromatic correction of chromatic aberrations.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.794.800
Tags: chromatic aberration hyperspectral camera liquid optical materials optical lens superachromatic correction гиперспектральная аппаратура жидкостные оптические материалы оптические объективы суперхроматическая коррекция хроматическая аберрация
Fiber Optic Devices & Technoligies
V.B.Romashova, K.J.Park, D.S.Shaimadieva, N.V.Burov
Broadband mode multiplexers – Alternative solution for telecommunications and research The operation principle of a fiber mode multiplexer based on cascaded mode selective couplers with a broad bandwidth was demonstrated. The coupling efficiency over the wavelength range from 1515 to 1590 nm varied from 87% to 55%. The experiment for the transfer of information for 58,5 km by the method of multiplexing modes showed that is possible. It can also be expected that the performance of the multiplexer can be improved by efficiently multiplexing degenerative asymmetric modes.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.750.760
Broadband mode multiplexers – Alternative solution for telecommunications and research The operation principle of a fiber mode multiplexer based on cascaded mode selective couplers with a broad bandwidth was demonstrated. The coupling efficiency over the wavelength range from 1515 to 1590 nm varied from 87% to 55%. The experiment for the transfer of information for 58,5 km by the method of multiplexing modes showed that is possible. It can also be expected that the performance of the multiplexer can be improved by efficiently multiplexing degenerative asymmetric modes.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.750.760
Tags: fiber combiners fiber laser mode multiplexer волоконные лазеры модовые мультиплексоры оптоволоконные объединители излучения
V.P.Gubin, N.I.Starostin, Ya.V.Przhiyalkovskiy, S.K.Morshnev, A.I.Sazonov, S.Yu.Otrokhov
Fiber-optic electric current transformers: physical bases and technical implementation. Part II Electromagnetic transformers are traditionally used in power electric engineering for electric current measuring. But, unfortunately, the high-voltage insulation of classical transformers does not have sufficient reliability at voltages 110–750 kV, and such transformers are prone to creating explosive and fire-dangerous situations. In the first part of the review, the physical principle of the optical method of current measuring based on the Faraday effect were discussed. The second part of the review is devoted to the technical implementation of this method.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.762.769
Fiber-optic electric current transformers: physical bases and technical implementation. Part II Electromagnetic transformers are traditionally used in power electric engineering for electric current measuring. But, unfortunately, the high-voltage insulation of classical transformers does not have sufficient reliability at voltages 110–750 kV, and such transformers are prone to creating explosive and fire-dangerous situations. In the first part of the review, the physical principle of the optical method of current measuring based on the Faraday effect were discussed. The second part of the review is devoted to the technical implementation of this method.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.762.769
Tags: fiber-optic electric current transformers волоконно-оптических трансформаторы электрического тока
V.N.Gavrilov, Yu.M.Gryaznov, A.V.Makhalov, P.D.Moiseev, A.A.Castov
Medium optical power meters for automated operating standards and OFTS parameters verification systems The functionality of many types of weapons and special equipment is associated with high volumes of transmitted data based on optical signal converters. To ensure their accuracy, automated measuring systems are used with the integrated calibration modules for optical power meters. An optical power meter based on the conversion of optical radiation energy into an electrical signal is proposed. To reduce the measurement error of the average optical power, the device implements an algorithmic method for correcting measurement error. The basics of its metrological support are described. The wavelength of optical radiation is 1.3 ± 0.05 µm, the range of measured values of average power is 10–11–10–1 W, the main relative measurement error is ± 5%.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.770.780
Medium optical power meters for automated operating standards and OFTS parameters verification systems The functionality of many types of weapons and special equipment is associated with high volumes of transmitted data based on optical signal converters. To ensure their accuracy, automated measuring systems are used with the integrated calibration modules for optical power meters. An optical power meter based on the conversion of optical radiation energy into an electrical signal is proposed. To reduce the measurement error of the average optical power, the device implements an algorithmic method for correcting measurement error. The basics of its metrological support are described. The wavelength of optical radiation is 1.3 ± 0.05 µm, the range of measured values of average power is 10–11–10–1 W, the main relative measurement error is ± 5%.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.770.780
Tags: calibration of optic fiber transmission system components optical power meters wattmeter ваттметр измерители мощности оптического излучения калибровка компонентов волоконно-оптических систем передачи данн
A.A.Kraysky, A.V.Kraysky, M.A.Kazaryan, R.A.Zakharyan
Resonant increase in the intense field inside the photonic crystal in the transparency windows near the forbidden zone and some of its applications The review describes the effect of a resonant increase in the intense light field inside a finite-size photonic crystal medium, when the wavelength of this radiation is in the transparency windows of the medium adjacent to the edge of the band gap of the medium. Some applications of this effect are described: the creation of lasers with a low lasing threshold; observation of nonlinear optical effects at low radiation power; creation of sensitive sensors. A review of the theoretical studies of this effect is given.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.802.822
Resonant increase in the intense field inside the photonic crystal in the transparency windows near the forbidden zone and some of its applications The review describes the effect of a resonant increase in the intense light field inside a finite-size photonic crystal medium, when the wavelength of this radiation is in the transparency windows of the medium adjacent to the edge of the band gap of the medium. Some applications of this effect are described: the creation of lasers with a low lasing threshold; observation of nonlinear optical effects at low radiation power; creation of sensitive sensors. A review of the theoretical studies of this effect is given.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.2018.12.8.802.822
Tags: band gap increase in intensity lowering threshold perturbation theory photonic crystal sensors transparency window zone edge запрещенная зона край зоны окно прозрачности понижение порога сенсоры теория возмущений увеличение интенсивности фотонный кристалл
Производство металлических высоколегированных порошков для наплавки, аддитивных и MIM технологий
АО "ПОЛЕМА" – завод порошковой металлургии – был основан в 1961 году, а в 2004 году вошел в состав "Промышленно-металлургического холдинга" (ПМХ). Базовые технологии порошковой металлургии, которыми владеет "ПОЛЕМА", – это получение металлов в виде порошков, компактирование порошков в изделия различной формы методами холодного и горячего изостатического прессования, спекание в водороде или в вакууме, обработка давлением (прокатка, ковка, экструзия), напыление и наплавка. На мировых рынках электролитического рафинированного хрома и распыляемых мишеней из хрома высокой чистоты, проката и изделий из молибдена и вольфрама, сильноточных контактных материалов "ПОЛЕМА" занимает лидирующие позиции.
Annual Issue