Expert Opinion
O. N. Azarova, N. L. Istomina, L. V . Karyakina
LASER World of PHOTONICS 2019. Laser Diodes & Dye Lasers DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.710.713
LASER World of PHOTONICS 2019. Laser Diodes & Dye Lasers DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.710.713
Yu. G. Yakushenkov, M. V. Khoroshev
Problems of Development of the Optical and Electronic Instrument Industry DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.716.721
The article considers the problems of ensuring the development of optoelectronic instrument engineering in our country. The main directions and tasks of the development of modern optical instrumentation and the factors impeding their implementation are shown. Actions are proposed to eliminate or reduce the influence of these factors. The methodology of training specialists in the field of optics and laser technologies at MIIGAiK is described.
Problems of Development of the Optical and Electronic Instrument Industry DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.716.721
The article considers the problems of ensuring the development of optoelectronic instrument engineering in our country. The main directions and tasks of the development of modern optical instrumentation and the factors impeding their implementation are shown. Actions are proposed to eliminate or reduce the influence of these factors. The methodology of training specialists in the field of optics and laser technologies at MIIGAiK is described.
Tags: инженерное образование инновационному развитию и предпринимательству государственной ду кадровое обеспечение комитет по экономической политике оптико-электронные системы и комплексы оптотехника промышленности фотоника
Additive Technologies
M. O. Gushchina, O. G. Klimova-Korsmik, S. A. Shalnova, A. M. Vildanov, E. A. Valdaytseva.
Peculiarities of Obtaining High-Quality Products of Titanium Alloys Manufactured by Direct Laser Deposition Technology DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.722.733
The additive technology of direct laser deposition (DLD) belongs to the class of 3D printing methods for metal parts and constructions. It is promising for the manufacture of large-sized complex parts for the aviation and shipbuilding industries. Methods of additive production dictate serious requirements for the properties of building powders, but with the right choice of system and taking into account all the processes that occur when a selected source acts on powder materials, unique individual material properties can be achieved. In this work, the influence of powder quality, protect atmosphere as well as processing parameters on the structure and properties of deposited parts manufactured Ti‑6Al-4V was investigated. In addition, it was shown the fundamental possibility of using recycled titanium powders to achieve higher economic performance of the process.
Peculiarities of Obtaining High-Quality Products of Titanium Alloys Manufactured by Direct Laser Deposition Technology DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.722.733
The additive technology of direct laser deposition (DLD) belongs to the class of 3D printing methods for metal parts and constructions. It is promising for the manufacture of large-sized complex parts for the aviation and shipbuilding industries. Methods of additive production dictate serious requirements for the properties of building powders, but with the right choice of system and taking into account all the processes that occur when a selected source acts on powder materials, unique individual material properties can be achieved. In this work, the influence of powder quality, protect atmosphere as well as processing parameters on the structure and properties of deposited parts manufactured Ti‑6Al-4V was investigated. In addition, it was shown the fundamental possibility of using recycled titanium powders to achieve higher economic performance of the process.
Tags: additive technologies direct laser deposition powder properties processing parameters protect atmosphere reused powder titanium alloy аддитивные технологии вторичный порошок защитная атмосфера параметры процесса прямое лазерное выращивание свойства порошков титановый сплав
N. N. Shchitov
Optical metamaterials are the reality of today and the routine of tomorrow. Part 1. Comparison of the concepts of metamaterials and composites with desired properties DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.750.759
Comparison of the two concepts – metamaterials, in particular optical, and pre-specified properties’ composites which structure is calculated by means of the optimal control theory (OCT) is made. Their general theses, as well as fundamental differences, are shown. The «natural niches» of both concepts, complementary aspects and limits of applicability are indicated. The fundamental problems of computational predictions due to the lack of the radiation – matter interaction complete theory are briefly discussed too.
Optical metamaterials are the reality of today and the routine of tomorrow. Part 1. Comparison of the concepts of metamaterials and composites with desired properties DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.750.759
Comparison of the two concepts – metamaterials, in particular optical, and pre-specified properties’ composites which structure is calculated by means of the optimal control theory (OCT) is made. Their general theses, as well as fundamental differences, are shown. The «natural niches» of both concepts, complementary aspects and limits of applicability are indicated. The fundamental problems of computational predictions due to the lack of the radiation – matter interaction complete theory are briefly discussed too.
Tags: metamaterials metaparticles optimal control theory superlattices метаматериалы метачастицы сверхрешетки теория оптимального управления
A. K. Fedorov
Quantum Technologies: from Scientific Discoveries to New Applications, additions DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.574.583
Поправки к статье
Просим читателей обратить внимание на ряд поправок к статье «Квантовые технологии: от научных открытий к новым приложениям», опубликованной в журнале ФОТОНИКА, №6, стр. 574–583; DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.574.583. В статью внесен ряд правок и уточнений, которые не были учтены в публикации по техническим причинам.
Quantum Technologies: from Scientific Discoveries to New Applications, additions DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.574.583
Поправки к статье
Просим читателей обратить внимание на ряд поправок к статье «Квантовые технологии: от научных открытий к новым приложениям», опубликованной в журнале ФОТОНИКА, №6, стр. 574–583; DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.6.574.583. В статью внесен ряд правок и уточнений, которые не были учтены в публикации по техническим причинам.
Tags: квантовая криптография квантовая метрология квантовая обработка информации квантовая сенсорика.
K. I. Zaytsev, I. N. Dolganova, N. V. Chernomyrdin, G. A. Komandin, D. V. Lavrukhin, I. V. Reshetov, V. N. Kurlov, D. S. Ponomarev, V. V. Tuchin, I. E. Spektor, V. E. Karasik.
Application of Application of Therahertz Technologies in Biophotonics.Part 2: Spectroscopy and Imaging of Malignant Neoplasms DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.736.742
The second part of the review work discusses the current state of research in the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms using terahertz (THz) spectroscopy and imaging. Particular attention is paid to potential applications of THz technology in early non-invasive, minimally invasive and intraoperative diagnostics, as well as in histological studies. The nature of the contrast observed between normal and pathological tissues in the THz range is discussed. Finally, the problems of THz technology transfer into a clinical practive are discussed.
Application of Application of Therahertz Technologies in Biophotonics.Part 2: Spectroscopy and Imaging of Malignant Neoplasms DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.736.742
The second part of the review work discusses the current state of research in the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms using terahertz (THz) spectroscopy and imaging. Particular attention is paid to potential applications of THz technology in early non-invasive, minimally invasive and intraoperative diagnostics, as well as in histological studies. The nature of the contrast observed between normal and pathological tissues in the THz range is discussed. Finally, the problems of THz technology transfer into a clinical practive are discussed.
Tags: diagnosis of malignant neoplasms terahertz dielectric spectroscopy terahertz imaging terahertz radiation terahertz technology диагностика злокачественных новообразований терагерцовая визуализация терагерцовая диэлектрическая спектроскопия терагерцовое излучение терагерцовые технологии
History Of Science And Technology
L. V. Tanin, V. A. Tanin
Holography Achievements on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.744.748
The article briefly describes the history of the creation, development and widespread introduction of an independent direction of holography – artistic holography. It is shown that for the successful development of artistic holography it was necessary to solve four fundamental problems, namely: to develop a theory of the holographic method adapted to produce large-format holograms; organize the industrial development of a new class of high-resolution recording media for recording interference fields with a high spatial frequency; to develop technical means and apparatus for registering holograms; create and introduce into industrial production technology for the serial production of holograms.
Holography Achievements on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.744.748
The article briefly describes the history of the creation, development and widespread introduction of an independent direction of holography – artistic holography. It is shown that for the successful development of artistic holography it was necessary to solve four fundamental problems, namely: to develop a theory of the holographic method adapted to produce large-format holograms; organize the industrial development of a new class of high-resolution recording media for recording interference fields with a high spatial frequency; to develop technical means and apparatus for registering holograms; create and introduce into industrial production technology for the serial production of holograms.
Tags: copies of works of art and cultural monuments holography product labeling protective printed elements голография защитные печатные элементы копии произведений искусства и памятников культуры маркировка продукции
Annual Issue