Competent Opinion
Technologies and Technology Equipment
Semicentenary Laser Technique Anniversary: Development Strategy Industry Branch Lasers in Science, Technology and Medicine”. Modern laser technologies achievements, application of power laser systems particularly for fundamental applications (to create extreme light fields, optical communications problems, branch development trends) are
Semicentenary Laser Technique Anniversary: Development Strategy Industry Branch Lasers in Science, Technology and Medicine”. Modern laser technologies achievements, application of power laser systems particularly for fundamental applications (to create extreme light fields, optical communications problems, branch development trends) are
Tags: biologic macromolecules ablation extreme light fields optical communications power laser systems абляция биологических макромолекул мощные лазерные системы оптическая связь экстремальные световые поля
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
Lasers & Laser Systems
V.Kisel, A.Gulevitch, N.Kondratuk
Solid State Ytterbium Laser Systems Practical application of lasers on the basis of Yb:KYW for investigation of ultrafast transient processes in nanosized semiconductor structures and for molybdenum films scribing is considered.
Solid State Ytterbium Laser Systems Practical application of lasers on the basis of Yb:KYW for investigation of ultrafast transient processes in nanosized semiconductor structures and for molybdenum films scribing is considered.
Tags: solar cells elements scribing ultrafast processes investigation ytterbium laser исследование сверхбыстрых процессов иттербиевый лазер скрайбирование элементов солнечных батарей
Laser with Q-Factor Modulation for Surface Processing Practical utilization of Rofin-Sinar’s lasers with modulated Q-factor and diode pumping for surface cleaning before welding, stripping solar cells elements arris is discussed.
Laser with Q-Factor Modulation for Surface Processing Practical utilization of Rofin-Sinar’s lasers with modulated Q-factor and diode pumping for surface cleaning before welding, stripping solar cells elements arris is discussed.
Tags: laser with q-factor modulation solar cells elements scribing surface cleaning welding лазер с модуляцией добротности очистка поверхности сварка скрайбирование элементов солнечных батарей
S.Shutov, J.Konstantinov
Welding Laser LIS-25 Variants for practical applying a power compact welding laser for welding metals with markedly different properties, welding nearby thermosensitive elements and jewels are proposed. On behalf of precision the precision has a binocular stereomicroscope. For welding and weld overlay of large sized elements it has a fiberblock.
Welding Laser LIS-25 Variants for practical applying a power compact welding laser for welding metals with markedly different properties, welding nearby thermosensitive elements and jewels are proposed. On behalf of precision the precision has a binocular stereomicroscope. For welding and weld overlay of large sized elements it has a fiberblock.
Tags: different metals welding jewels processing outdoor advertising welding nearby thermosensitive elements наружная реклама сварка вблизи термочувствительных элементов сварка разнородных металлов ювелирные работы
Optical Devices & Systems
E.Kudrivtsev, I.Matsak, M.Makarenko
Optical Scanning Velocity Sensor A sensor utilizing optical scanning velocity measurement method that registers light scattered by a shifting surface is developed. The velocity sensor can work with various surface types: from metals to fabrics and paper.
Optical Scanning Velocity Sensor A sensor utilizing optical scanning velocity measurement method that registers light scattered by a shifting surface is developed. The velocity sensor can work with various surface types: from metals to fabrics and paper.
Tags: metal blocks velocity sensor optical scanning method paper length sensor датчик длины бумаги датчик скорости металлических заготовок оптический растровый метод
I.Boldov, A.Kutchyanov, A.Plekhanov, N.Orlova, I.Kargapolova, V.Schelkovnikov
Optical Chemical Sensors and Butylamine Sensor Optical chemical sensor (CS) on the basis of fiber optics are insensitive to electromagnetic and radiation noise. For the first time a CS that reacts selectively on butylamine, a toxic substance that is an intermediate product of dye, rubber, plastic and polymer production? was realized.
Optical Chemical Sensors and Butylamine Sensor Optical chemical sensor (CS) on the basis of fiber optics are insensitive to electromagnetic and radiation noise. For the first time a CS that reacts selectively on butylamine, a toxic substance that is an intermediate product of dye, rubber, plastic and polymer production? was realized.
Tags: butylamine chemical sensor photon-crystalline films sol-gel бутиламин золь-гель фотонно-кристаллические пленки химический сенсор
T.Gostev, F.Kuzminov, V.Fadeev, M.Gorbunov
Aqueous Photosynthesizing Organisms Biophotonics: Fluorescent Diagnostic Methods Two modern fluorexcent diagnostic methods of aqueous photosynthesizing organisms (PSO) are given. They are fluorescent induction and relaxation method and nonlinear laser fluorimetry method. In combination these methods most fully describe the PSOs functional state.
Aqueous Photosynthesizing Organisms Biophotonics: Fluorescent Diagnostic Methods Two modern fluorexcent diagnostic methods of aqueous photosynthesizing organisms (PSO) are given. They are fluorescent induction and relaxation method and nonlinear laser fluorimetry method. In combination these methods most fully describe the PSOs functional state.
Tags: aqueous photosynthesizing organisms fluorescent diagnostics: fluorescent induction and relaxation me nonlinear laser fluorimetry method водные фотосинтезирующие организмы метод индукции и релаксации флуоресценции метод нелинейной лазерной флуориметрии флуоресцентная диагностика
Optical measurements
A.Polyshuk, A.Matochkin
Methods of Aspherical Optics Laser Control Principal physics of aspherical optics forms noncontact control with nanometric precision assisted by computer simulated holograms and laser interferometers are considered. Practical results of unique telescope aspherical mirrors control are presented.
Methods of Aspherical Optics Laser Control Principal physics of aspherical optics forms noncontact control with nanometric precision assisted by computer simulated holograms and laser interferometers are considered. Practical results of unique telescope aspherical mirrors control are presented.
Tags: aspherical surfaces control methods synthesized holograms асферические поверхности методы контроля синтезированные голограммы
E.Makaretskyi, A.Ovshinnikov
Optical Signals Filtration Devices on the Multilayer Structure Basis On the basis of resonance multilayer optical structures (RMOS) objects angle vibration, laser emission divergence, fiber waveguids diameter high precision meters, angle meters, pressure and acoustic vibration measuring devices are developed.
Optical Signals Filtration Devices on the Multilayer Structure Basis On the basis of resonance multilayer optical structures (RMOS) objects angle vibration, laser emission divergence, fiber waveguids diameter high precision meters, angle meters, pressure and acoustic vibration measuring devices are developed.
Tags: filter synthesis radiooptics random signals filtration радиооптика синтез фильтров фильтрация случайных сигналов
Optoelectronic devices
A.Dirochka, A.Filachev
International Photoelectronics fnd Night Vision Devices. Conference. Part 2 Photodiodes sensitivity and performance, as well as new optoelectronics devices are discussed.
International Photoelectronics fnd Night Vision Devices. Conference. Part 2 Photodiodes sensitivity and performance, as well as new optoelectronics devices are discussed.