Competent Opinion
Technologies and Technology Equipment
Beam Technologies & Laser Application Brief review of invited papers that were read at the International conference Best technologies and laser applications (BTLA 2015)
Beam Technologies & Laser Application Brief review of invited papers that were read at the International conference Best technologies and laser applications (BTLA 2015)
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
Additive Technologies
Industrial 3D Printers – Expensive Toy or realistic means to modernize engineering Industry in Russia? Not apparent at the first sigh problems with which users of additive technologies machines deal are discussed. Real areas where 3D printers could find application in light of Russian engineering industry specific features, penalties introduced by west countries and global macroeconomic environment are described.
Industrial 3D Printers – Expensive Toy or realistic means to modernize engineering Industry in Russia? Not apparent at the first sigh problems with which users of additive technologies machines deal are discussed. Real areas where 3D printers could find application in light of Russian engineering industry specific features, penalties introduced by west countries and global macroeconomic environment are described.
Tags: 3d printers 3d-принтеры additive technologies laser growth laser sintering аддитивные технологии лазерное выращивание лазерное спекание
Lasers & Laser Systems
T.Kuntz, T.Roch, T.Gofman, H.Fedina, V.konovalov, D.Ulyanov, A.Lazagni
Precision Laser Interference Engraving with The Help of High-energy Q-switched Lasers Direct precision laser interference engraving permits to create periodic circuits on the surface of different materials during a single material operation. The method can be used to produce tailor made surfaces and safety sytems protecting against counterfeit products.
Precision Laser Interference Engraving with The Help of High-energy Q-switched Lasers Direct precision laser interference engraving permits to create periodic circuits on the surface of different materials during a single material operation. The method can be used to produce tailor made surfaces and safety sytems protecting against counterfeit products.
B.Pahkmanov, V.Kibovskyi
Laser. After all What Class of Hazard is It? Part I Laser security normative base contradictions lead to disinformation of laser production customers. This is proved by technical computing.
Laser. After all What Class of Hazard is It? Part I Laser security normative base contradictions lead to disinformation of laser production customers. This is proved by technical computing.
Optical Devices & Systems
A.Melvedev, A.Grinkevich, S.Knyazeva
Multispectral Systems of Different Propose Multispectral multifunction optical systems design concepts are considered. Advantages of
receiving observable objects interconnected images are analysed.
Multispectral Systems of Different Propose Multispectral multifunction optical systems design concepts are considered. Advantages of
receiving observable objects interconnected images are analysed.
Tags: multichannel system multispectral system one-pupil viewing system optronic device spectral range. диапазон спектра многоканальная система мультиспектральная система однозрачковая система оптико-электронный прибор
W.Becker, A. Jelzow, V.Shcheslavskiy
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging by Multi-Dimensional TCSPC Adds New Dimensions to Biomedical Imaging Decay parameters are indicators of the molecular environment of fluorophores. That’s why Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) therefore delivers direct information on ion concentrations, pH, protein configuration and protein interaction, and the metabolic state of cells and tissue.
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging by Multi-Dimensional TCSPC Adds New Dimensions to Biomedical Imaging Decay parameters are indicators of the molecular environment of fluorophores. That’s why Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) therefore delivers direct information on ion concentrations, pH, protein configuration and protein interaction, and the metabolic state of cells and tissue.
Tags: biophotonucs flim fluorescence lifetime imaging single photons counting биофотоника визуализация времени жизни флуоресценции счет одиночных фотонов флуоресценция
Roundtable Discussion
Mirror Without Borders
We continue exhibition Word of Photonics 2015 participant’s opinion survey related to photonic and accompanying them technologies.
Optoelectronic Devices
Nanostructured Optical Coatings in Pilots Defense of "Laser Attack" State-of-art in the area of pilots defense of laser attacks by means of nanocomposite optical coatings. Thin film interference metal-dielectric coatings are used to scavenge aviation materials transparencies.
Nanostructured Optical Coatings in Pilots Defense of "Laser Attack" State-of-art in the area of pilots defense of laser attacks by means of nanocomposite optical coatings. Thin film interference metal-dielectric coatings are used to scavenge aviation materials transparencies.
Tags: laser attacks nanocomposites optical coatings лазерные атаки нанокомпозиты оптические покрытия
Optoelectronic devices
A.Dolotov, P.Konovalov, R.Nurtdinov
High-Current Photomultiplier Tube Based on Microchannel Plate for Detection of Subnanosecond Light Pulses The results of the development of photomultiplier tube (PMT) based on microchannel plate (MCP) having subnanosecond time resolution and high range of anode current linearity are given. PMT is intended for detection of poor radiation pulse fluxes in UV, visible and near IR band (150 to 900 nm).
High-Current Photomultiplier Tube Based on Microchannel Plate for Detection of Subnanosecond Light Pulses The results of the development of photomultiplier tube (PMT) based on microchannel plate (MCP) having subnanosecond time resolution and high range of anode current linearity are given. PMT is intended for detection of poor radiation pulse fluxes in UV, visible and near IR band (150 to 900 nm).