Lasers & Laser Systems
A.Devine, R.Hodder
Supercontinuum Sources: An even brighter future awaits supercontinuum fiber In just over 10 years, supercontinuum power levels have grown an order of magnitude with spectral range spanning from 380 to 4400 nm. Enhanced understanding of supercontinuum generation in optical fibers will enable continued product and application evolution.
Supercontinuum Sources: An even brighter future awaits supercontinuum fiber In just over 10 years, supercontinuum power levels have grown an order of magnitude with spectral range spanning from 380 to 4400 nm. Enhanced understanding of supercontinuum generation in optical fibers will enable continued product and application evolution.
Tags: mopa architecture mopa-конфигурация photonic crystal fibers supercontinuum fiber lasers волоконные суперконтинуумные лазеры фотонно-кристаллическое волокно
Optical Devices & Systems
A.S.Boreysho, I.A.Kiselev, M.K.Rabchinskii, A.V.Chugreev, I.V.Churilo
Scientific instrument for studying of colloid systems in microgravity Construction features and technical parameters of the scientific instrument "Dispersia" for colloid research on the board of Russian Segment of the International Space Station are reviewed. The experiments include study of the colloidal crystallization, processes of aggregation of dispersed phase and spinodal decomposition in liquid-polymer systems. Study of the colloids is based on microscopic image acquisition and static light scattering under heat, vibration and external electrical and magnetic fields.
Scientific instrument for studying of colloid systems in microgravity Construction features and technical parameters of the scientific instrument "Dispersia" for colloid research on the board of Russian Segment of the International Space Station are reviewed. The experiments include study of the colloidal crystallization, processes of aggregation of dispersed phase and spinodal decomposition in liquid-polymer systems. Study of the colloids is based on microscopic image acquisition and static light scattering under heat, vibration and external electrical and magnetic fields.
Tags: colloidal systems microgravity spacecraft instruments static light scattering коллоидные системы космическая научная аппаратура микрогравитация статическое рассеяние света
A.V.Medvedev, A.V.Grinkevich, S.N.Knyazeva
The Trends of Improving of Passive Type Optical Range Finding device This article covers the trends of improving of passive optical range finders, which make up a category of up-to-date range-finding systems, their design methods and the philosophy of engineering of optical trains within compact passive range-finding devices.
The Trends of Improving of Passive Type Optical Range Finding device This article covers the trends of improving of passive optical range finders, which make up a category of up-to-date range-finding systems, their design methods and the philosophy of engineering of optical trains within compact passive range-finding devices.
Tags: movement of focusing element passive optical range-finder resistor nonlinearity self-contained range finder внутрибазный дальномер нелинейность резистора пассивный оптический дальномер перемещение фокусирующего элемента
Photonic Integrated Circuits Currently, integrated silicon electronics has reached its limit (10 GHz), and for a long time it is time to move on photonics. The report focuses on photonic integrated circuits, components of the photonics element base, already existing and future developing devices and shows the advantage of photonics. Also some variants of optical transistors are discussed.
Photonic Integrated Circuits Currently, integrated silicon electronics has reached its limit (10 GHz), and for a long time it is time to move on photonics. The report focuses on photonic integrated circuits, components of the photonics element base, already existing and future developing devices and shows the advantage of photonics. Also some variants of optical transistors are discussed.
Tags: optical transistors photonic integrated circuits оптические транзисторы фотонные интегральные схемы
Optical Measurements
S.G.Kireev, V.P.Arkhipov, S.G.Shashkovsky, N.P.Kozlov
Measurement of Spectral and Energy Characteristics of Pulsed Radiation Sources of Continuous Spectrum The method of measuring spectral distribution of the radiation energy of pulsed light sources of continuous spectrum is described in the article. The method is tested on a radiation pulse with a duration of about 120 μs.
Measurement of Spectral and Energy Characteristics of Pulsed Radiation Sources of Continuous Spectrum The method of measuring spectral distribution of the radiation energy of pulsed light sources of continuous spectrum is described in the article. The method is tested on a radiation pulse with a duration of about 120 μs.
Tags: measurement of spectral and energy characteristics of pulsed rad spectrometer uf-radiation source источники излучения уф-диапазона спектрально-энергетические характеристики импульсных источников спектрометр
O.Yu.Kovalenko, Yu.A.Pilshchikova, E.D.Guseva
Efficiency Improvement and Parameter Checkout of Emission Sources of Irradiation Equipment in Agriculture This article is devoted to parameter checkout of emission sources used for illumination and irradiation of poultry farms. These studies showed that the performance of growing poultry is improved within 10% with combined blue-green LED lighting in conjunction with ultraviolet irradiation in comparison with traditional lighting by the fluorescent lamps.
Efficiency Improvement and Parameter Checkout of Emission Sources of Irradiation Equipment in Agriculture This article is devoted to parameter checkout of emission sources used for illumination and irradiation of poultry farms. These studies showed that the performance of growing poultry is improved within 10% with combined blue-green LED lighting in conjunction with ultraviolet irradiation in comparison with traditional lighting by the fluorescent lamps.
History Of Science And Technology
V.V.Startsev, A.V.Naumov
Waves of the sea and waves of infrared: 90 years of the beginning of developments on IR thermal imaging in Russia The article briefly presents the history of the development of Russian infrared technology.
Waves of the sea and waves of infrared: 90 years of the beginning of developments on IR thermal imaging in Russia The article briefly presents the history of the development of Russian infrared technology.
Optical measurements
G.I.Dolgikh, S.G.Dolgikh, V.A.Chupin, V.K.Fishchenko, V.A.Shvets, S.V.Yakovenko
Optical and Biological Complex The behavior of marine animals, fish, zooplankton and phytoplankton, as well as other living representatives of the World Ocean is closely related to the dynamics of various-scale hydrophysical processes. With the purpose of studying this connection, an optical and biological complex described in the article was created, consisting of a laser instrument, measuring variations in hydrosphere pressure, a fluorimeter, and an underwater video monitoring system.
Optical and Biological Complex The behavior of marine animals, fish, zooplankton and phytoplankton, as well as other living representatives of the World Ocean is closely related to the dynamics of various-scale hydrophysical processes. With the purpose of studying this connection, an optical and biological complex described in the article was created, consisting of a laser instrument, measuring variations in hydrosphere pressure, a fluorimeter, and an underwater video monitoring system.
Tags: a laser measuring instrument for variations in hydrosphere press fluorimeter optical-biological complex phytoplankton tides underwater video monitoring system wind waves ветровые волны лазерный измеритель вариаций гидросферного давления оптико-биологический комплекс приливы система подводного видео мониторинга фитопланктон флуориметр
Annual Issue