Technologies and Technology Equipment
Yan Chjumnin, doctor of engineering science, O.Milina
Laser Phosphate Glasses Phosphate glasses are used in laser fusion, laser weapons, laser detection and ranging systems, optical wave amplifiers. History of invention and laser glass development for half a century is analyzed. Special attention is given to development of Chinese Nd doped phosphate laser glasses and their properties. Application of some laser glasses for high power lasers dedicated for laser inertia confinement fusion (ICF) is considered.
Laser Phosphate Glasses Phosphate glasses are used in laser fusion, laser weapons, laser detection and ranging systems, optical wave amplifiers. History of invention and laser glass development for half a century is analyzed. Special attention is given to development of Chinese Nd doped phosphate laser glasses and their properties. Application of some laser glasses for high power lasers dedicated for laser inertia confinement fusion (ICF) is considered.
Tags: high power laser nd doped phosphate glass laser glasses высокомощное лазерное фосфатное стекло легированное nd лазерные стекла
I.Bayneva, candidate of science, V.Baynev
Mercury Dispensing for Discharge Light Sources Equipment Energy efficient fluorescent lamps Lighting characteristics consistency to a large extent depends upon doze of filling them mercury. An essential new device type for fluorescent lamps mercury dispensing is described. Its operation mode can be used for dispensing and pumping over hazardous liquids.
Mercury Dispensing for Discharge Light Sources Equipment Energy efficient fluorescent lamps Lighting characteristics consistency to a large extent depends upon doze of filling them mercury. An essential new device type for fluorescent lamps mercury dispensing is described. Its operation mode can be used for dispensing and pumping over hazardous liquids.
Tags: dispensing hazardous liquids energy efficient lamps lighting engineering дозирование особо опасных жидкостей светотехника энергосберегающие лампы
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
New Photonics Nanomaterials A brief overview of research and development
of various fields including photonics. Papers introduced at the IV all-Russia nanomaterials conference 2012 held at A.A.Baykov Institute of metallurgy and material science of Russian Academy of Science are viewed.
New Photonics Nanomaterials A brief overview of research and development
of various fields including photonics. Papers introduced at the IV all-Russia nanomaterials conference 2012 held at A.A.Baykov Institute of metallurgy and material science of Russian Academy of Science are viewed.
Tags: anti-reflection coatings nanocomposition membranes quantum dots анизотропные мембраны квантовые точки нанокомпозиционные люминофоры просветляющие покрытия
Lasers & Laser Systems
V.Panchenko, doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, V.Vasiltsov, doctor of engineering science, V.Ulianov, candidate of engineering science
Laser TMLR Method for Ischemic Heart Disease Treatment Results of creation of an intellectual laser cardiac surgery system “Perfocor” on the basis of a power waveguide CO2 laser are presented. A brief consideration is given to long-term clinical results and biophysical procedure mechanisms. “Perfocor” systems industrial production is planed.
Laser TMLR Method for Ischemic Heart Disease Treatment Results of creation of an intellectual laser cardiac surgery system “Perfocor” on the basis of a power waveguide CO2 laser are presented. A brief consideration is given to long-term clinical results and biophysical procedure mechanisms. “Perfocor” systems industrial production is planed.
Tags: cardiac surgery co2 lasers medicine laser methods myocardium perforation кардиохирургия лазерные методы в медицине перфорация миокарда со2-лазеры
L.Vorobiev, A.Sofronov, D.Firsov, D.Demidov, R.Leus, M.Sverdlov et al.
Laser Diodes for Photodynamic Therapy New high effective semiconductor lasers with more then 1W output optical power for cancer treatment with the help of photodynamic therapy are developed. The source wave length is 665nm that corresponds to the photosensibilizator peak absorption.
Laser Diodes for Photodynamic Therapy New high effective semiconductor lasers with more then 1W output optical power for cancer treatment with the help of photodynamic therapy are developed. The source wave length is 665nm that corresponds to the photosensibilizator peak absorption.
O.Shanin, doctor of engineering science
Large Aperture Adaptive Power Optics Adaptive power optics two large classes categorization: for continuous and quasicontinuous power laser systems and for power pulse lasers is conditional. Usually the first category functions in real time and needs cooling. The second category functions at the short pulse moment. Adaptive optical devices dielectric interference coatings must be excessive radiation durable. Characteristics attained when producing various adaptive glasses for a wide range of power laser systems are introduced.
Large Aperture Adaptive Power Optics Adaptive power optics two large classes categorization: for continuous and quasicontinuous power laser systems and for power pulse lasers is conditional. Usually the first category functions in real time and needs cooling. The second category functions at the short pulse moment. Adaptive optical devices dielectric interference coatings must be excessive radiation durable. Characteristics attained when producing various adaptive glasses for a wide range of power laser systems are introduced.
Tags: adaptive mirror adaptive optics power laser systems wave front detector адаптивная оптика адаптивное зеркало датчик волнового фронта мощные лазерные системы
Optical measurements
A.Magunov, doctor of engineering science
Spectral Pyrometry: Peculiarities, Advantages, Restrictions Research and new technologies often need to measure temperature of an object with unknown or variable radiating power. Radiation power variation is due to variance of object’s surface microstructure, chemistry and phase state. Spectral pyrometry permits to solve these challenges. A new experimental spectral pyrometry method is discussed.
Spectral Pyrometry: Peculiarities, Advantages, Restrictions Research and new technologies often need to measure temperature of an object with unknown or variable radiating power. Radiation power variation is due to variance of object’s surface microstructure, chemistry and phase state. Spectral pyrometry permits to solve these challenges. A new experimental spectral pyrometry method is discussed.
R.Sagalnik, doctor of engineering science, V.Sutorshin, E.Cherstvov, A.Fedotov, candidate of science.
Laser Diagnostics of Rubber Shallow Surface Mechanical properties Variations Doppler-coordinate diapllacement measure method for studying rubber thin film shallow surface deformation is proposed. Comparison of experimental and numeric results is given.
Laser Diagnostics of Rubber Shallow Surface Mechanical properties Variations Doppler-coordinate diapllacement measure method for studying rubber thin film shallow surface deformation is proposed. Comparison of experimental and numeric results is given.
Tags: laser measurement methods rubber deformation solid state surface destruction diagnostics деформация резин диагностика поверхностных разрушений твердого тела лазерные методы измерений
N.Shitov, candidate of engineering science
Maxwell Electrodynamics Relativity theory. Part 2 An answer to the question about light speed relative to the source and receiver at their mutual movement is proposed in accordance with Maxwell Electrodynamics. This answer was achieved in the process of wave equision formal conversion and solution in accordance with Galilean transformation.
Maxwell Electrodynamics Relativity theory. Part 2 An answer to the question about light speed relative to the source and receiver at their mutual movement is proposed in accordance with Maxwell Electrodynamics. This answer was achieved in the process of wave equision formal conversion and solution in accordance with Galilean transformation.