Technologies and Technology Equipment
V. P. Biryukov
Influence of Laser Treatment Modes of Cast Iron on the Parameters of Hardening Zones and Their Tribotechnical Properties DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The paper considers the results of metallographic and tribotechnical tests of cast iron in friction pairs with 40Kh steel. It is shown that the use of transverse oscillations of the laser beam significantly increases the processing performance, eliminates surface defects that occur when radiation is applied to the surface of cast iron samples with a defocused beam. It is established that laser thermal hardening significantly reduces the coefficients of friction and increases microhardness by 4–6 times and wear resistance of modified cast iron surfaces in 2.5–3.5 times compared to their initial state, depending on the processing modes.
Influence of Laser Treatment Modes of Cast Iron on the Parameters of Hardening Zones and Their Tribotechnical Properties DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The paper considers the results of metallographic and tribotechnical tests of cast iron in friction pairs with 40Kh steel. It is shown that the use of transverse oscillations of the laser beam significantly increases the processing performance, eliminates surface defects that occur when radiation is applied to the surface of cast iron samples with a defocused beam. It is established that laser thermal hardening significantly reduces the coefficients of friction and increases microhardness by 4–6 times and wear resistance of modified cast iron surfaces in 2.5–3.5 times compared to their initial state, depending on the processing modes.
Tags: cast iron coefficients of friction microhardness wear resistance износостойкость коэффициенты трения микротвердость термическое упрочнение чугун
Lasers & Laser Systems
D. O. Chukhlantsev, D. A. Shipikhin, E. S. Shishkin, V. P. Umnov
Diode Lasers and Its Use in the Robotic Systems DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The high-power diode lasers required for many laser industrial processes have conventionally been the bulky floor devices. However, the laser manufacturers have responded to the industrial need for compact systems that take full advantage of the miniaturization inherent in the diode lasers. This makes it possible to successfully integrate the diode lasers as the service tools into the actuating systems of multipurpose industrial robots, including the mobile robots for processing the large-dimensioned items. The article presents a laser-robot produced by the ThermoLaser LLC company, designed for processing large parts for energy and transport purposes.
Diode Lasers and Its Use in the Robotic Systems DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The high-power diode lasers required for many laser industrial processes have conventionally been the bulky floor devices. However, the laser manufacturers have responded to the industrial need for compact systems that take full advantage of the miniaturization inherent in the diode lasers. This makes it possible to successfully integrate the diode lasers as the service tools into the actuating systems of multipurpose industrial robots, including the mobile robots for processing the large-dimensioned items. The article presents a laser-robot produced by the ThermoLaser LLC company, designed for processing large parts for energy and transport purposes.
Tags: beam quality diode lasers robotic systems ultrashort pulses диодные лазеры качество пучка робототехнические системы ультракороткие импульсы
P. A. Itrin, D. I. Sementsov, A. B. Petrov, M. A. Kozlyakov, V. A. Ribenek
High-frequency Ηarmonic Mode Locking in a Frequency-Shifted Fiber Ring Laser With an Acousto-Optic Modulator DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The possible development of a soliton ring laser with the hybrid harmonic mode locking that provides the generation of a multi-GHz pulse sequence in combination with a high level of supermode noise suppression and low time jitter, is demonstrated. The mode locking is based on the effect of intracavity frequency shift. The development is based on the assumption that, under certain conditions, an acousto-optic frequency shift, supplemented by the spectral filtration, can lead to stabilization and an increase in the quality of a high-frequency pulse sequence.
High-frequency Ηarmonic Mode Locking in a Frequency-Shifted Fiber Ring Laser With an Acousto-Optic Modulator DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The possible development of a soliton ring laser with the hybrid harmonic mode locking that provides the generation of a multi-GHz pulse sequence in combination with a high level of supermode noise suppression and low time jitter, is demonstrated. The mode locking is based on the effect of intracavity frequency shift. The development is based on the assumption that, under certain conditions, an acousto-optic frequency shift, supplemented by the spectral filtration, can lead to stabilization and an increase in the quality of a high-frequency pulse sequence.
Tags: acousto-optic modulator fiber ring laser mode locking time jitter ultrashort pulse generation акустооптический модулятор волоконный кольцевой лазер временной джиттер генерация ультракоротких импульсов синхронизация мод
Optical Devices & Systems
C. M. Bechasnov, V. D. Barmasov, A. I. Popov, M. A. Zavialova
System for Endoscopic Control of Heat-eating Assemblies DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The system is described for endoscopic control of the inner surface of the guide channels of the heat-eating assemblies of water-watering energy reactors. The main structural elements of the system are presented, including the optical scheme of the image and processing unit. This block provides an angle of viewing of a video system of at least 90°, discretion of the indications of the vertical positioning system of 1 mm and the duration of a single complete inspection of the guide channels 10 minutes.
System for Endoscopic Control of Heat-eating Assemblies DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The system is described for endoscopic control of the inner surface of the guide channels of the heat-eating assemblies of water-watering energy reactors. The main structural elements of the system are presented, including the optical scheme of the image and processing unit. This block provides an angle of viewing of a video system of at least 90°, discretion of the indications of the vertical positioning system of 1 mm and the duration of a single complete inspection of the guide channels 10 minutes.
Tags: endoscopic control fuel assemblies (fa) fuel elements (fe) тепловыделяющие сборки (твс) тепловыделяющие элементы (твэл) эндоскопический контроль
Quantum Technologies
Optical Measurements
F. G. Agayev, H. H. Asadov, G. V. Alieva
Narrow-band Signature Dual-wavelength Method for Photometric Control and Detection of Well-known Configuration Objects Against the Vegetation Background DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The theoretical fundamentals of the proposed dual-wavelength narrow-band method of photometric control and detection of the well-known configuration target against the forest background are outlined. The target is detected by calculating its NIR- and RED- narrowband signatures using the proposed formulas at the wavelength intervals with a width of Δλ, closely adjacent to the “red edge” area in the vegetation reflection spectrum and further comparing these signatures with the relevant vegetation signatures. The proposed method provides for the availability of a priori data on the forest spectral signatures, as well as on the ratio of the forest areas and the target on the generated image.
Narrow-band Signature Dual-wavelength Method for Photometric Control and Detection of Well-known Configuration Objects Against the Vegetation Background DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The theoretical fundamentals of the proposed dual-wavelength narrow-band method of photometric control and detection of the well-known configuration target against the forest background are outlined. The target is detected by calculating its NIR- and RED- narrowband signatures using the proposed formulas at the wavelength intervals with a width of Δλ, closely adjacent to the “red edge” area in the vegetation reflection spectrum and further comparing these signatures with the relevant vegetation signatures. The proposed method provides for the availability of a priori data on the forest spectral signatures, as well as on the ratio of the forest areas and the target on the generated image.
Tags: detection forests narrow-band method photometric control red edge signature красный переход леса обнаружение сигнатура узкоспектральный метод фотометрический контроль
E. A. Sosnin, V. A. Panarin, V. S. Skakun, D. A. Sorokin, E. N. Surnina, I. A. Viktorova, L. V. Lyashcheva
The Influence of the Solar UVB Radiation Simulator on the Sowing Qualities of Seeds and the Productivity of Economically Valuable Plants DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The article presents the results of long-term laboratory and field studies of the effect of UVB radiation on germination, growth and yield of economically valuable plants. The objects of research are cucumber, flax, carrot, wheat, buckwheat, eggplant, pine and thuja, potato tubers, apple seedlings and grape cuttings. The performed studies prove the hypothesis that it is necessary to use subdoses of UVB radiation to compensate for the lack of solar ultraviolet radiation when growing plants in greenhouses or northern latitudes of Russia. The place of the obtained results in the total volume of world research is determined. The designs of irradiators based on excilamps are described, which allow for the processing of seed material both in laboratory conditions and in the field. On the example of four-year field studies carried out on wheat, the practical applicability and prospects of the proposed treatment method in solving urgent problems of transition to a highly productive agricultural economy are proved.
The Influence of the Solar UVB Radiation Simulator on the Sowing Qualities of Seeds and the Productivity of Economically Valuable Plants DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
The article presents the results of long-term laboratory and field studies of the effect of UVB radiation on germination, growth and yield of economically valuable plants. The objects of research are cucumber, flax, carrot, wheat, buckwheat, eggplant, pine and thuja, potato tubers, apple seedlings and grape cuttings. The performed studies prove the hypothesis that it is necessary to use subdoses of UVB radiation to compensate for the lack of solar ultraviolet radiation when growing plants in greenhouses or northern latitudes of Russia. The place of the obtained results in the total volume of world research is determined. The designs of irradiators based on excilamps are described, which allow for the processing of seed material both in laboratory conditions and in the field. On the example of four-year field studies carried out on wheat, the practical applicability and prospects of the proposed treatment method in solving urgent problems of transition to a highly productive agricultural economy are proved.
Tags: biophotonics economically valuable plants excilamp growth and development hormesis solar ultraviolet uvb radiation биофотоника гормезис рост и развитие солнечный ультрафиолет уфб-излучение хозяйственно-ценные растения эксилампа
Materials & Coatings
D. Grishin, I. Gusev
Construction Materials to Ensure the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Radio Equipment DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
Electromagnetic shielding is a widely used method for ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of radio equipment. The screening efficiency and operational reliability of the equipment are largely determined by the shield design, as well as the specifications and properties of the materials used for its manufacture. The article discusses the main construction materials used for electromagnetic shielding, such as the gaskets, contact springs, fabrics, heat shrink tubes, and RF absorbers with an adhesive layer. The method for confirming the specifications of shielding materials in the EMC laboratory of TESTPRIBOR JSC is described.
Construction Materials to Ensure the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Radio Equipment DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.
Electromagnetic shielding is a widely used method for ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of radio equipment. The screening efficiency and operational reliability of the equipment are largely determined by the shield design, as well as the specifications and properties of the materials used for its manufacture. The article discusses the main construction materials used for electromagnetic shielding, such as the gaskets, contact springs, fabrics, heat shrink tubes, and RF absorbers with an adhesive layer. The method for confirming the specifications of shielding materials in the EMC laboratory of TESTPRIBOR JSC is described.