Technologies and Technology Equipment
CO2 Laser: A Flexible, Reliable and Approved Device You can’t think of modern high effective production without lasers and laser processing. From the first days CO2 lasers closed out the continuous cutting and welding equipment market thanks to their high power and efficiency from the view point of energy consumption, reliability and profitability. In this article beam quality characteristics, required for comparison with analog equipment, laser cooling systems features and their operation security are discussed.
CO2 Laser: A Flexible, Reliable and Approved Device You can’t think of modern high effective production without lasers and laser processing. From the first days CO2 lasers closed out the continuous cutting and welding equipment market thanks to their high power and efficiency from the view point of energy consumption, reliability and profitability. In this article beam quality characteristics, required for comparison with analog equipment, laser cooling systems features and their operation security are discussed.
D.Petrishev, candidate of science engineering
Upgrading Laser Marking Automation Efficiency Before applying a mark to a material it is necessary to analyze the information symbols that will be deposited, the material and the device form that is being marked. This is the so called automation marking preparation step, which level of automation is insufficient. Issues of complex preparation step automation of laser marking for applying an image is considered.
Upgrading Laser Marking Automation Efficiency Before applying a mark to a material it is necessary to analyze the information symbols that will be deposited, the material and the device form that is being marked. This is the so called automation marking preparation step, which level of automation is insufficient. Issues of complex preparation step automation of laser marking for applying an image is considered.
L.Ratkin, candidate of science engineering
Photonics Science Research. Top-Priority Trends Surface and bulk micro and nanostructuring, femtobiology and photosynthesis, medicine laser technique applications, photonic activated nanostructures synthesis – all this issues appeal to the scientific community. Scientific research priority trends in photonics sphere that were discussed at scientific meetings and forums at which representatives of Russian Academy of Science took place in 2010–2011 are considered.
Photonics Science Research. Top-Priority Trends Surface and bulk micro and nanostructuring, femtobiology and photosynthesis, medicine laser technique applications, photonic activated nanostructures synthesis – all this issues appeal to the scientific community. Scientific research priority trends in photonics sphere that were discussed at scientific meetings and forums at which representatives of Russian Academy of Science took place in 2010–2011 are considered.
Optical Measurements
N.Schitov, candidate of science engineering
Maxwell’s Electrodynamics Relativity. Part 1 Possibility to accomplish Maxwell’s electrodynamics relativity principle that often is formulated as problem of Maxwell’s equation invariance (covariance) relative to one or other coordinate transformations.
Maxwell’s Electrodynamics Relativity. Part 1 Possibility to accomplish Maxwell’s electrodynamics relativity principle that often is formulated as problem of Maxwell’s equation invariance (covariance) relative to one or other coordinate transformations.
Optical measurements
V.Krutikov, doctor of engineering science, V.Kosherov, A.Phrunze
Fraction of Chemical Elements Total Mass in Materials Measurement Optical spectroscopy permits to determine solid state materials chemistry. But when choosing material processing methods it’s more important to determine correlation of chemical elements total mass fractions in the material using radiation spectrum of glow discharge. This method doesn’t require preliminary equipment calibration in accordance with samples of known elements total mass fractions.
Fraction of Chemical Elements Total Mass in Materials Measurement Optical spectroscopy permits to determine solid state materials chemistry. But when choosing material processing methods it’s more important to determine correlation of chemical elements total mass fractions in the material using radiation spectrum of glow discharge. This method doesn’t require preliminary equipment calibration in accordance with samples of known elements total mass fractions.
V.Privalov, V.Chemanin
Lidar Monitoring of Atmosphere Hydrogen Fluoride For plants whose production is associated with generation of toxic high temperature gases containing fluoride, monitoring of HF in the atmosphere is always of high priority. A lidar can discover HF molecules in air at a distance up to 10km. To select an optimal lidar system version for various practical conditions evolution of its potential capabilities was carried.
Lidar Monitoring of Atmosphere Hydrogen Fluoride For plants whose production is associated with generation of toxic high temperature gases containing fluoride, monitoring of HF in the atmosphere is always of high priority. A lidar can discover HF molecules in air at a distance up to 10km. To select an optimal lidar system version for various practical conditions evolution of its potential capabilities was carried.
N.Takibaev, A.Sarsembaeva, M.Takibaeva, N.Nasirova
Formation of Solid Charges in Earth Atmosphere Solar radiation and cosmic rays cause ionization and recombination processes in ionosphere, that are important for creating thunder and mesosphere silvery clouds. Active launches of missiles with hydrogen-oxygen rocket engines that bring vapor to the mezosphere stir up interest in these clouds.
Formation of Solid Charges in Earth Atmosphere Solar radiation and cosmic rays cause ionization and recombination processes in ionosphere, that are important for creating thunder and mesosphere silvery clouds. Active launches of missiles with hydrogen-oxygen rocket engines that bring vapor to the mezosphere stir up interest in these clouds.
FOL & optical communications systems
V.Duraev, doctor of engineering science
Photonics Components Base You can’t imagine modern information networks without photonics components. You can find examples everywhere. Semiconductor lasers, receiver and transmitter optical modules. They had revolutionary changed recorders, storage, information transfer and processing devices in communication systems and replaced thier wire and cable links by fiber-optic lines. The main domestic produced photonics components characteristics and some of their constructions are considered.
Photonics Components Base You can’t imagine modern information networks without photonics components. You can find examples everywhere. Semiconductor lasers, receiver and transmitter optical modules. They had revolutionary changed recorders, storage, information transfer and processing devices in communication systems and replaced thier wire and cable links by fiber-optic lines. The main domestic produced photonics components characteristics and some of their constructions are considered.
G.Buymistruk, A.Rogov, D. Agaphonova.
High Precision Fiber Optic Connections for Multiple channel Measurements. Thanks to small dimensions fiber optics can be compactly packaged in one optical cable. But fiber optic connections bring forth scaling problems. New optical connectors permit to increase interconnections density. At the instrument-making plant “Vibrator” was developed a technology and set up batch production of 72-channel preterminated cords and cables, particularly for round cables with 72 fibers. Methods for excluding fibers and contact pointa cracks and wrecking are introduced.
High Precision Fiber Optic Connections for Multiple channel Measurements. Thanks to small dimensions fiber optics can be compactly packaged in one optical cable. But fiber optic connections bring forth scaling problems. New optical connectors permit to increase interconnections density. At the instrument-making plant “Vibrator” was developed a technology and set up batch production of 72-channel preterminated cords and cables, particularly for round cables with 72 fibers. Methods for excluding fibers and contact pointa cracks and wrecking are introduced.
V. Grishachev, Cd.S. (Physics and Mathematics)
Detecting Threats of Acoustic Information Leakage Through fiber-Optic communication This article discusses the possibility of detecting the channel of acoustic information (speech) leakage through regular fiber optic communication links by monitoring the optical emissions. Potential threat of acoustic information leakage can create any kind of abnormal light emissions, as well as regular light beams modulated by the acoustic frequencies.
Detecting Threats of Acoustic Information Leakage Through fiber-Optic communication This article discusses the possibility of detecting the channel of acoustic information (speech) leakage through regular fiber optic communication links by monitoring the optical emissions. Potential threat of acoustic information leakage can create any kind of abnormal light emissions, as well as regular light beams modulated by the acoustic frequencies.