Expert Opinion
E. Lovato, A. Starykh
Salvagnini’s equipment always a little ahead of time The view of experts on the development of laser machine tools and examples of successful technical solutions in the machine tool industry are presented.
Salvagnini’s equipment always a little ahead of time The view of experts on the development of laser machine tools and examples of successful technical solutions in the machine tool industry are presented.
Tags: cтанкостроение digital production fiber lasers industrial photonics laser cutting laser tools machine-tool construction волоконные лазеры индустриальная фотоника лазерная резка лазерный инструмент цифровое производство
Technologies and Technology Equipment
A. G. Sukhov, M. M. Malysh, M. O. Leder, S. V. Lednov
Laser cutting of titanium alloys The results of the experiments are given in the article. They have shown the possibility of using laser cutting for the manufacture of parts with complex shape and small elements from titanium alloys, and also for cutting large-thickness parts.
Laser cutting of titanium alloys The results of the experiments are given in the article. They have shown the possibility of using laser cutting for the manufacture of parts with complex shape and small elements from titanium alloys, and also for cutting large-thickness parts.
Tags: gas laser cutting laser cutting microstructure research slanting thermal impact zone titanium alloys газолазерная резка зона термического влияния исследование микроструктуры лазерная резка резка с наклоном титановые сплавы
V. P. Biryukov, A. A. Fishkov, E. G. Gudushauri
Obtaining wear-resistant and score-resistant coatings with iron-based powder laser cladding with copper oxide nano-powder adding This paper presents the results of studying the effect of copper oxide nano-particles in the iron-based charge on the intensity of wear and score resistance of coatings obtained with laser cladding.
Obtaining wear-resistant and score-resistant coatings with iron-based powder laser cladding with copper oxide nano-powder adding This paper presents the results of studying the effect of copper oxide nano-particles in the iron-based charge on the intensity of wear and score resistance of coatings obtained with laser cladding.
Tags: coating score resistance coating wear resistance fusion zone with base metal laser cladding microstructure of the cladded layer nano powders задиростойкость покрытий зона сплавления с основным металлом изнашивание покрытий лазерная наплавка микроструктура наплавленного слоя нанопорошки
N. L. Istomina
Plasma or laser surfacing: turn minuses in pluses It should be remembered that the ratio of weight and strength characteristics of products is played a huge role for a number of industries including aviation and rocketry. For products made with 3D-powder methods, strength characteristics have not been certified yet. Thus, the disadvantages of laser surfacing can turn into pluses of plasma surfacing for products operating under heavy loads.
Plasma or laser surfacing: turn minuses in pluses It should be remembered that the ratio of weight and strength characteristics of products is played a huge role for a number of industries including aviation and rocketry. For products made with 3D-powder methods, strength characteristics have not been certified yet. Thus, the disadvantages of laser surfacing can turn into pluses of plasma surfacing for products operating under heavy loads.
Tags: additive technologies buy-to-fly ratio laser cladding metal-working manufacturing plasma cladding powder 3d printing аддитивные технологии коэффициент использования материала лазерная наплавка металлообработка плазменная наплавка порошковая 3 d -печать
Additive Technologies
D. S. Trubashevsky
Wire for additive technologies: innovations and traditions in a single product The article describes the features and application of innovative additive technology of metal wire deposition / surfacing with gas-shielded arc welding. In addition, the main additive technologies are compared.
Wire for additive technologies: innovations and traditions in a single product The article describes the features and application of innovative additive technology of metal wire deposition / surfacing with gas-shielded arc welding. In addition, the main additive technologies are compared.
Tags: 3d metal print- technology 3d metal print –технология 3d printers 3d-принтеры additive technologies cladding of metal wire composition of protective gas digital production gas metal arc welding аддитивные технологии дуговая сварка наплавка металлической проволоки состав защитного газа цифровое производство
M. O. Makarov
Expensive toys or a miracle of engineering? We are renewing the foundries The article describes the application of additive technologies in foundry production. A comparative analysis of innovative and classical methods in this sector of industry is carried out.
Expensive toys or a miracle of engineering? We are renewing the foundries The article describes the application of additive technologies in foundry production. A comparative analysis of innovative and classical methods in this sector of industry is carried out.
Tags: 3d printers 3d printing 3d-печать 3d-принтеры consumable models foundries melted models technology certification выжигаемые модели выплавляемые модели литейное производство сертификация технологии
Lasers & Laser Systems
V. V. Osipov, V. A. Shitov, R. N. Maksimov, V. I. Solomonov, K. E. Lukyashin, A. N. Orlov
Highly transparent ceramics on the basis of nanopowders synthesized in laser plume. Part II. Laser ceramics This paper presents the investigation of characteristics of highly transparent ceramics on the basis of nanopowders synthesized in laser plume. It is shown that this approach enables to increase the "orange peel" formation threshold in the ceramics with strongly disordered crystalline structure. It opens the road to application of oxide materials with such a structure as the gain media with oscillation efficiency higher than 50% and also leads to simplification of the synthesis technology of magnetoactive ceramics and to production of highly transparent YAG samples without the use of sintering heterovalent additives.
Highly transparent ceramics on the basis of nanopowders synthesized in laser plume. Part II. Laser ceramics This paper presents the investigation of characteristics of highly transparent ceramics on the basis of nanopowders synthesized in laser plume. It is shown that this approach enables to increase the "orange peel" formation threshold in the ceramics with strongly disordered crystalline structure. It opens the road to application of oxide materials with such a structure as the gain media with oscillation efficiency higher than 50% and also leads to simplification of the synthesis technology of magnetoactive ceramics and to production of highly transparent YAG samples without the use of sintering heterovalent additives.
Tags: crystalline structure efficiency oscillation phase transformations spectrum transparency генерация кристаллическая структура прозрачность спектр фазовые превращения эффективность
Optoelectronic Devices and Systems
Y. Y. Kolbas, A. G. Zubov, L. V. Eremin
Study of the orientation angles stability of the measuring axes of accelerometers in an inertial measuring unit Study of the orientation angles stability of the measuring axes of accelerometers in an inertial measuring unit The dependences of the orientation matrix of the measuring axes of accelerometers in the inertial measuring unit (IMU) on temperature and mechanical impact and vibration effects are discussed. It is shown that with separate arrangement of gyroscopes and accelerometers, there are no additional errors in orientation of their measuring axes after vibration and impacts.
Study of the orientation angles stability of the measuring axes of accelerometers in an inertial measuring unit Study of the orientation angles stability of the measuring axes of accelerometers in an inertial measuring unit The dependences of the orientation matrix of the measuring axes of accelerometers in the inertial measuring unit (IMU) on temperature and mechanical impact and vibration effects are discussed. It is shown that with separate arrangement of gyroscopes and accelerometers, there are no additional errors in orientation of their measuring axes after vibration and impacts.
Tags: accelerometer gyroscope inertial measuring unit inertial sensor orientation matrix of measuring axes. thermocorrection акселерометр гироскоп инерциальный датчик инерциальный измерительный блок матрица ориентации измерительных осей термокоррекция
Microwave Photonics
J. L. Corson, RJ Stewart
RF microwave photonic systems. Modern solutions for defense projects The article contains information about the design and properties of fiber-optic channels used for the transmission of microwave. Features of terrestrial and onboard radio-photon communication lines based on this technology are presented.
RF microwave photonic systems. Modern solutions for defense projects The article contains information about the design and properties of fiber-optic channels used for the transmission of microwave. Features of terrestrial and onboard radio-photon communication lines based on this technology are presented.
Tags: beam intensity modulation fiber-optic communication lines microwave photonics orthogonal frequency division multiplexing radio-photon systems spurious free dynamic range волоконно-оптические линии связи динамический диапазон микроволновая фотоника модуляция интенсивности пучка мультиплексирование с ортогональным частотным разделением канало радиофотонные системы свободный от гармоник
Optical Devices and Systems
T. S. Lisovsky
Modern methods for measuring the optical characteristics of thin-film coatings in the UV, visible and IR ranges The results of the latest developments in the field of metrological support of measurements are presented. The object of measurement are optical characteristics of thin-film coatings in a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum from 185 nm to 5200 nm are presented. Technical solutions for performing automatic measurements of transmittance and absolute mirror reflection of plane-parallel parts and prisms are shown. The results of real measurements of coatings with limiting characteristics are presented.
Modern methods for measuring the optical characteristics of thin-film coatings in the UV, visible and IR ranges The results of the latest developments in the field of metrological support of measurements are presented. The object of measurement are optical characteristics of thin-film coatings in a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum from 185 nm to 5200 nm are presented. Technical solutions for performing automatic measurements of transmittance and absolute mirror reflection of plane-parallel parts and prisms are shown. The results of real measurements of coatings with limiting characteristics are presented.