DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.

The article presents the results of long-term laboratory and field studies of the effect of UVB radiation on germination, growth and yield of economically valuable plants. The objects of research are cucumber, flax, carrot, wheat, buckwheat, eggplant, pine and thuja, potato tubers, apple seedlings and grape cuttings. The performed studies prove the hypothesis that it is necessary to use subdoses of UVB radiation to compensate for the lack of solar ultraviolet radiation when growing plants in greenhouses or northern latitudes of Russia. The place of the obtained results in the total volume of world research is determined. The designs of irradiators based on excilamps are described, which allow for the processing of seed material both in laboratory conditions and in the field. On the example of four-year field studies carried out on wheat, the practical applicability and prospects of the proposed treatment method in solving urgent problems of transition to a highly productive agricultural economy are proved.


Разработка: студия Green Art