DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.4.318.327

LZOS JSC has been using the diffractive optical elements (DOE) or computer-­generated holograms (CGH) for many years to test the surfaces of large-­sized optical mirrors for astronomical and space purposes. They are used for aspherical surface shape testing, control of the shape of extra-­axial aspherical surfaces with registration of extra-­axial mirror parameters and orientation, testing of the aspherical surface vertex position relative to the mirror geometric center, distortion consideration in the interferogram images, mutual adjustment of mirrors in the testing schemes, etc. Thus, the CGHs have become an integral part of the up-to-date testing of aspherical surfaces of the large-­sized optical mirrors and optical systems.


Разработка: студия Green Art