DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.14.6.550.558

The problem of measuring the moisture content in the surface layer of the atmosphere using an external emitter and an LED photometer is defined and solved. It is noted that the absence in many zones of the planet of automated stations for measuring the moisture content of air of the international network AERONET induces the need to develop and use simple sun photometers. The devices for measuring the moisture content in the surface layer of the atmosphere can be built on the basis of two LED light emitters operating in the mode of narrow-­spectrum photodetectors. The problem of determining the optimal dependence of external thermal radiation on the wavelength at which the value of atmospheric transmission in the surface atmosphere reaches its maximum is defined and solved. An expression for determining the optimal temperature of the external radiator is obtained.


Разработка: студия Green Art