DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.

Modern high-tech industries are increasingly using the latest advances in information technology: digital doubles, CAD / CAM systems and new accounting and control systems. It is impossible to use such systems in the present production process without identification and labeling of products. At the same time, for mass production, it is important that the speed of marking does not limit the speed of production of products. That is why the market for laser markers is growing rapidly. But the market for precision laser cutting of sheet metals, plastics and other materials is also growing.Where does the border go dividing the market segments of laser engraving systems and laser cutting systems? We are talking about this, as well as the development of the domestic laser machine market and the education of laser literacy, with the Director of Innovation of the Laser Center LLC, Ivan Fomenko, Ph.D., an experienced specialist in solving non-standard problems in the field of laser applications.


Разработка: студия Green Art